A 3 Hour Online Workshop || Tuesday, June 25th @ 10am-1pm eastern

Learn ways to come back into connection
with even the most stressful families

For Therapists, Caseworkers, Teachers, & Social Workers

(Really, anyone who works with “resistant” parents)

What if we could change

the way we conceptualize caregiver behaviors that are often labeled ‘resistant’?

What if we could understand the brain-science behind behavior?

Not just of the kids we work with- but their parents!

What if we could stop feeling ineffective,

worried that we should really just quit our job and work at Starbucks.

I mean…surely Starbucks employees get a discount on coffee?!

What if we could learn ways to welcome ‘resistant’ behaviors

from parents and caregivers because we are truly curious and not intimidated or frustrated?

We’d feel better, and so would our clients!

Come to this 3 hour workshop!

This short workshop is for you if you work with

 families who are stressed, frustrated, or “just done” with their child’s behaviors.

By the end, you’ll confidently be able to

Reframe the “Resistant” Behaviors of Parents & Caregivers

Increase Connection with the Most Challenging Parents & Caregivers

Through the connection and co-regulation you’ll be able to offer, parents will be easily be able to put on their ‘x-ray’ vision goggles to see beyond and beneath the behaviors of their children. 

<--------- You’ll feel this confident and joyful while working with families!

You’ll Leave With

A new way to conceptualize resistant behavior from the parents and caregivers of your child clients

Practical tools to support ‘resistant’ parents and caregivers (and yourself!)

Handouts that are NOT just the powerpoint slides in hand-out form. These workbook-style handouts are intentionally designed to support your learning and integration of the material both during the workshop and after.

A link to watch & re-watch the recording as many times as you want (until August 31, 2024)

The recording will also be given to you in audio/podcast format!

Plus, you’ll have had a pretty fun afternoon with me and colleagues around the world who love kids and families as much as you do.

This workshop has gotten rave reviews!

Here’s what previous participants have had to say!

The training was amazing and so helpful.

I could see myself in so many of the examples and I really appreciated your transparency in sharing your thoughts and feelings. You made me feel at ease.

~workshop attendee

I don’t feel as intimidated now.

Your advice was so practical and now I have good ideas on how to move forward with the parents of my clients!

~workshop attendee

“This has been so, so very helpful

and I feel so much support from being here today.

~workshop attendee

“This process

(taught in the worshop) is exactly what we want parents to do with their kids!

~ workshop attendee

Ready to register?

Here are all the details!

Tuesday, June 25th, 2024 @ 10am-1pm eastern timezone

Zoom Meeting Mode so you can be on camera and ask questions

Break-Out Room for Small Group Discussion

The Zoom Login will be sent via email

The recording will be available to watch until August 31, 2024


CEs are NOT available

Refund Policy

Registration is non-refundable. If you are unable to attend the workshop live, you’ll be sent the link to view the recording.

Registration Policy

All individual registrants, whether attending live or by recording, or in a group, must register.

Group Registration

If you plan to attend the training (or watch the recording) in a group of 5 or more (you can log in on one device or individually) you can use a coupon code to receive a discount of 15% off

The link to the live training or the recording may not be shared with anyone who is not a paid attendee.

Coupon code: group

<---------------- Me!  Robyn!

After 20 years as a therapist, I spend my days as an educator, trainer, author, podcaster, and consultant.

I’m a little obsessed with studying the relational brain and then teaching everyone who will listen alllllllll about it.

Understanding what’s underneath behavior has changed everything about how I work with kids and families.

Especially the hard ones.  I mean let’s be honest- the easy ones don’t drive us to take trainings.

Working with parents doesn’t have to be hard, scary, or intimidating.

I love working with parents, caregivers, and families.

You can love working with families, too.  Seriously.


This workshop is for your professional development but does not include any continuing education hours or certificate.

Mostly therapists, but anyone who works with children and parents, including educators, doctors, occupational therapists, SLPs, and caseworkers. All are welcome!

This is a professional workshop; attendees should be working with parents in a professional (not necessarily paid) capacity.

Registration is non-refundable. If you are unable to attend the workshop live, you’ll be sent the link to view the recording.

If you aren’t already familiar with my model of the nervous system (owls, watchdogs, and possums), I highly recommend checking out my FREE webinar and eBook Focus on the Nervous System to Change Behavior at https://robyngobbel.com/webinar

The workshop will be recorded and will be available to watch or re-watch until August 31, 2024. Breakout discussions will not be recorded. I highly recommend attending this workshop live!

Alrighty…here’s your last chance!

“I have watched this several times…

and have to say how valuable it was for me to witness the connection/interaction/healing between you and Anne.  I wrote down pages of notes and would love to hear more.

~ “Dear Adoptive Parent” attendee – adoptive parent and professional


I think I cried the entire time. I needed to hear this.

~ “Dear Adoptive Parent” attendee – adoptive parent 


for everything you offer online.  I consider you and Anne to be a part of my team.

~totally awesome human who spontaneously texted this to Robyn (adoption professional)


It was so helpful to hear this- Anne is so open and honest about her feelings and what drives them.

~”Dear Adoptive Parents” webinar attendee (adoptive parent)