Caring for the in between places: A creative arts healing retreat on self-attunement and multiplicity of mind
SOLD OUT! Email Marshall to add yourself to the waiting/cancellation list.
Dates: May 4-6, 2023
Facilitators: Robyn Gobbel & Marshall Lyles
Description: We are living in the season of neonified self-care reminders. Trainings, books, social media, and tv drop constant hints about its importance. And self-care is critical, but so many of us have lived with the complexities involved in pursuing this often elusive concept. Our bodies have different and complicated needs. Our minds are shifting landscapes. Our relationships and realities compete for such small spaces.
And we sometimes manage to carve out a self-care moment only to discover that others-care is also required for stepping into compassionate contact with self. After spending some time tending to self, we often come to know that the breath and reflection offered in the self-care moment highlights what we are needing from the others in our lives. It can be a lovely awareness and it can be flooding, enough to send us back underground.
In this three-day event, Robyn and Marshall will facilitate expressive activities and guided dialogue that will help participants take in care for self while making contact with the care they have been craving from others. Further work will explore how to advocate for all parts of self, how to be in rhythm with the needs of others, how to manage the relational realities that accompany self-awareness, and how to recognize when protectors become involved in the conversation. All of this will be honored as sacred exploration through use of a variety of expressive materials and modalities. We hope to step toward support and courage and connection together.
Location: The Workshop, 300 Allen St., Austin, TX 78702
Registration information: This small group experience includes 3 days of facilitated individual and group work, snacks, one provided lunch, a happy hour, all needed expressive materials, and some take home items for $720. Lodging and other meals are the responsibility of the participant, but recommendations can be provided. This is a personal growth experience and no CEs are provided.