Play Therapy from the Heart… with the Brain in Mind

Live Virtual Two-Day Training

Awakening the theories of the relational neurosciences for child & play therapists – focusing on both BEING and DOING in the therapy room.

WHEN: Thursday & Friday

April 23 & 24, 2020

10am to 5:30pm EASTERN (9am central, 8am mountain, 7am pacific)

WHERE: ONLINE! Anywhere you want :)

FEE: $325 {register by April 3, 2020}

$355 {register AFTER April 3, 2020}

CEs: 12***, including APT NON CONTACT (Association for Play Therapy).

Marshall Lyles, LPC-S, LMFT-S, RPT-S is an approved CE provider with the Association for Play Therapy.

The Relational Neurosciences (including Interpersonal Neurobiology- IPNB) offers play therapists an important framework for understanding the brain in the context of relationships, bringing greater understanding about why play therapy works. As child and play therapists, we can harness the power of interpersonal neurobiology in order to confidently lean into allowing the relationship to facilitate the power of play therapy. This 12-hour, two-day workshop will place some of the key concepts from the field of relational neuroscience into the context of play therapy.

Together we will explore the Nine Domains of Integration as identified by Dr. Dan Siegel (founder of IPNB), learning interventions and ways-of-being to support vertical (body/brain, as well as lower/higher brain), horizontal (left/right hemisphere), memory, narrative, state, consciousness, and interpersonal integration. This workshop will contextualize important theories from the relational neurosciences for child & play therapists, including Polyvagal Theory, Regulation Theory, Neurosequential Brain Development, Memory Reconsolidation Theory, and Attachment Theory (through the lens of neurobiology).

Play Therapy from the Heart….with the Brain in Mind brings together the work of Dan Siegel, MD, Bonnie Badenoch, PhD, Stephen Porges, MD, Allan Schore, PhD, Bruce Perry, MD, PhD and more, offering play therapists new tools and new understanding about how to facilitate integration, connection, regulation, and behavior change in children and their families.


No way!!! This training is for ANYONE who works with children in a therapeutic setting! You definitely do not need to be a play therapist to benefit from this training!

This is a highly interactive, experiential training. You’ll work closely with other participants and your presence matters!! Please make arrangements to attend the training in it’s entirety.

No partial CEs will be awarded. You must attend the entire training in order to receive CEs.

​In this live, online training, attendance will be tracked. You will be required to keep your webcam whenever we are not taking a break.

I have taught online a LOT! It has surprised me how we can still feel connected and have an excellent learning experience, even online, especially if we are conscientious about a few specific things.

Attendees will be required to have their webcams on the entire time and to be present at their devices. This will be monitored. Attendees will be asked to forego distractions, such as answering the telephone, in the same way you would in a live training. Microphones will be muted to reduce background noise but can easily be unmuted to ask questions.

Throughout our two days together, attendees will occasionally break up into small groups, just like we would in person.

A list of materials to have available for experiential activities will be provided approximately one week before the training. Materials will be typical child/play therapy materials, including art supplies, paper, and paper lunch bags (PUPPETS!!)

YES!!!! We will have plenty of time to allow for integration and application! We will practice together and you’ll develop a felt-sense of the different interventions.

The webinars will be hosted on Zoom- you can download Zoom here:

​and read about Zoom here:

You need high speed internet and should be able to login from your laptop, tablet, or even SmartPhone with the Zoom app.

You MUST use a webcam and a microphone. Most computers have built in webcams and microphones.

Not sure if yours does? See if the information in this article helps:

You will receive a link- on the morning of the training, you will just click on the link!!

This two-day training will not be available by recording only BUT it is my intention to turn this into an on-demand, digital download training so STAY TUNED!

Join the Waiting List!

I’ll email you when the next cohort opens for registration! Promise! Enter your email below!

What attendees have said!

“Your style took complex subject matter and made it understandable.”

“I wanted to express my deep, deep gratitude for you and the ways in which you’ve shown up through this process. Your willingness and ability to speak in a way that passes no judgment or recrimination on self or others has really helped me to shift my language towards myself and with my community. The content itself is hugely useful in the healing process of course, but your approach and your energy in sharing it has begun a transformation in me and my relationships.”

“…You are clearly a thoughtful, empathetic, intelligent human and I trust you to integrate this information about me as just one of many stories about my life.”

“You did a GREAT job of making the material accessible and pertinent to what each of us is wanting to do in this field.”

“Robyn – Thank you for your authentic presence throughout our course!”

“Thank you for truly embodying IPNB and everything we learned. I felt safe to be myself, believing all parts really were welcome.”