Online webinar August 25, 2021 @ 12 – 1:30pm eastern

Learn ways to create
opportunities of felt-safety in children

For Parents & Professionals

(Really, anyone who loves kids!)

August 25, 2021 @ 12pm – 1:30pm eastern | Online webinar

Being Safe doesn’t equal Feeling Safe

Are you confused about why your child is still struggling to feel safe and regulated in your safe and loving family?

Is your child still demonstrating difficult and challenging behaviors?

Creating felt-safety is an essential part of parenting a child who has experienced trauma, abuse, neglect, or orphanage care. 

Simply because a child is safe doesn’t mean he actually feels safe.  Creating felt-safety is crucial if we want to help our children feel more regulated and behave more appropriately. 

So what is felt-safety and how can we cultivate within our families?

Ready to Register?

This webinar addresses

the three places children are looking to determine if they are safe- and it’s happening below conscious awareness.

This means we can’t TELL them they are safe- we have to create environments in which they can FEEL safe.  

By the end, you’ll have learned

The importance of moving your own nervous system into a state of safety

How to adjust the environment to increase felt-safety

Ways to support your child’s inner-experience to invite felt-safety

Regulated, connected children who feel safe behave well.  Creating Felt-Safety will give you concrete tools that will help to create a sense of felt-safety for your child, bringing more calm, connection, and FUN to your family.  

You’ll Leave With

A new way to conceptualize resistant, oppositional, and all challenging behavior

Practical tools to support felt-safety in children in three ways:

Inside their bodies, In the Environment, & In Your Relationship

A link to watch & re-watch the recording as many times as you want (until October 31)

My webinars get rave reviews!

Here’s what previous participants have had to say!

“Thank you so much for such empowering information!

I’ve watched several of your webinars and they have been some of the best parenting advice for our family.

~webinar attendee

Thank you for your insight

 and incredible ability to translate research in to understanding like no other.  

~webinar attendee

That was awesome, thank you so much.

 You know this is going to change the world right!?

~ webinar attendee

Ready to register?

Here are all the details!

Wednesday August 25, 12pm – 1:30pm eastern time

The Zoom Login will be sent via email

The recording will be available to watch until October 31, 2021

Certificate of Completion

will be available

CEs (for professional licensing boards) are NOT available

Refund Policy

Registration is non-refundable.  Everyone who registers will receive access to the recording.

Registration Policy

All individual (or parenting partner) registrants, whether attending live or by recording, or in a group, must register.

If you plan to attend the training (or watch the recording) in a group of 5 or more (you can log in on one device or individually) you can use a coupon code to receive a discount of 15% off

The link to the live training or the recording may not be shared with anyone who is not a paid attendee (except a parenting partner).

Coupon code: group

<---------------- Me!  Robyn!

I’m a therapist, educator, trainer, and consultant.

I’m a little obsessed with studying the relational brain and then teaching everyone who will listen alllllllll about it.

Understanding what’s underneath behavior has changed everything about how I work with kids and families.

I’ve been joining up with families of kids with the toughest, most challenging, most baffling behaviors since 2004.

I love these kids and I love their families (you!)

My job is to take the theory of behavior science and translate just the parts that matter to you.

People say I’m pretty good at it ;) 

I know the science, but you know your child.

You are your child’s expert.

The science will help you feel more confident, connected, and compassionate.

Alrighty…here’s your last chance!

“I have watched this several times…

and have to say how valuable it was for me to witness the connection/interaction/healing between you and Anne.  I wrote down pages of notes and would love to hear more.

~ “Dear Adoptive Parent” attendee – adoptive parent and professional


I think I cried the entire time. I needed to hear this.

~ “Dear Adoptive Parent” attendee – adoptive parent 


for everything you offer online.  I consider you and Anne to be a part of my team.

~totally awesome human who spontaneously texted this to Robyn (adoption professional)


It was so helpful to hear this- Anne is so open and honest about her feelings and what drives them.

~”Dear Adoptive Parents” webinar attendee (adoptive parent)