A 2.5-Hour Online Workshop ~ Thursday, August 25th, 2022 @ 10am EDT

Learn ways to create the resonant relationship
that invites client change

For Therapists, Caseworkers, Teachers, & Social Workers

(Really, anyone who works with people- kids, adults, & families!)

Let’s pay attention to the ME in WE

Therapists aren’t blank slates anymore.

At least not therapists who understand the neuroscience of how the brain heals and changes.

When we ground ourselves in relational neuroscience, we don’t have to be afraid of bringing our whole selves into the therapy space.

In fact, we realize it’s necessary.

The brain changes inside resonant relationships.

But- what does that even mean?  

You want this 2.5-hour workshop!

This short workshop is for you

if you are feeling burned out, uninspired, and maybe even a little confused about how therapy is supposed to work anyway ;) 

It makes sense to be confused because most of us weren’t taught how therapy works.  Just tools and techniques that don’t work unless they are wrapped in a resonant relationship.  

In this 2.5-hour workshop you will learn

Why resonant relationships is Why Threapy Works

How to prioritize connection to yourself in order to cultivate the deeply satisfying resonance that brings about client change

Armed with the neuroscience of relationships, you’ll feel confident– not afraid– to bring your whole-self into the therapy space while prioritizing ethical boundaries and decreasing compassion fatigue.

<--------- You’ll feel this good at the end of your work day!

You’ll Leave With

A solid understanding of the science of resonance

A plan for how to begin being with yourself in a new way

A clear picture of what it looks like to bring your authentic self into a therapy session (with kids, adults, and families)

A link to watch & re-watch the recording as many times as you want (until October 31st)

AND…The recording will also be given to you in audio/podcast format!

Plus, you’ll have had a pretty fun afternoon with me and colleagues around the world who love their work– and are willing to be brave– as much as you do.

I teach a lot of workshops for therapists

Here’s what previous participants have had to say!

This was wonderful!

 I learned SO much and can’t wait to put what I’ve learned into action.

~workshop attendee

Thank you for your insight

and incredible ability to translate research into understanding like no other.

~workshop attendee

“Your willingness, adaptability to change, and uncanny ability to translate high neuroscience into practical support is 

nothing short of amazing to me.”

~ workshop attendee

Ready to register?

Here are all the details!

Thursday, August 25th, 2022 @ 10am EDT

Zoom Meeting Mode so you can be on camera and ask questions

Break-Out Room for Small Group Discussion

The Zoom Login will be sent via email

The recording will be available to watch until October 31st, 2022


CEs are NOT available

Refund Policy

Registration is non-refundable. If you are unable to attend the workshop live, you’ll be sent the link to view the recording.

Registration Policy

All individual registrants, whether attending live or by recording, or in a group, must register.

If you plan to attend the training (or watch the recording) in a group of 5 or more (you can log in on one device or individually) you can use a coupon code to receive a discount of 15% off

The link to the live training or the recording may not be shared with anyone who is not a paid attendee.

Coupon code: group

<---------------- Me!  Robyn!

I’m a therapist, educator, trainer, and consultant.

I’m a little obsessed with studying the relational brain and then teaching everyone who will listen alllllllll about it.

I’ve studied intensely with Bonnie Badenoch for seven years, trained with the Mindsight Institute, served on the Board of Directors for the Global Association for Interpersonal Neurobiology.

I even taught the Science of IPNB in a Post-Grad Certificate program.

One student described me as Neuroscience with Heart Wrapped in Glitter in Fun.

(I have a thing for wearing sparkly glittery Doc Marten boots…)

And I regularly get emails telling me I have a knack for translating the science and making it relatable, practical, and applicable.

I love my work and I love sharing it with you!

Alrighty…here’s your last chance!

“In my 15+ years

 seldom have I come across someone who “gets it” as much as you. It is a privilege to receive your positivity, optimism, authenticity, and expertise.

~ Workshop host

“I do a lot of reading and searching on trauma

and emtional dysregulation (seeking guidance, resources, and peace) and nobody speaks right to the heart of what we are experiencing like you do. Thank you!!

~ Workshop attendee

“I learn so much from you each time

I listen to a training or a podcast, or read a blog post. I just WISH there was a way to find a therapist even HALF as competent as you.

~workshop attendee

“I feel like, finally.

I can not even begin to tell you how much stumbling on to your podcast has meant to me. It is an amazing feeling to know someone understands.

~”Podcast fan