Compassionate CoParenting- Connecting with Birth and First Families

Sponsoring Organization: ORPARC: Oregon Post Adoption Resource Center

Date: May 7th, 2024

Time: 1-3pm eastern

Location: virtual

DescriptionBirthfamilies are always present- sometimes physically, but always energetically and emotionally.  Foster and adoptive parents can apply everything they know about the impact of trauma to their children’s birthparents, allowing them to lean into that relationship with connection, compassion, and boundaries. Changing the way we see birthfamily is good for the children who are a part of both foster/adoptive parents and birthparents.   

Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the relationship between trauma and behavior in birthfamilies
  2. Identify appropriate boundaries that will encourage safe relationships
  3. Help their child understand- not excuse- birthfamily behavior

Registration Information: Registration is open to Oregon Resource Families. Visit the ORPARC website for registration details and criteria at