Ready to STOP playing behavior whack-a-mole?
I’ll send a free one-hour webinar & eBook
Focus on the Nervous System to Change Behavior
Join Robyn for a keynote and two workshops at the Michigan Association for Play Therapy Annual Conference
Lansing, MI
How can infant mental health specialists support families raising infants and toddlers impacted by trauma and toxic stress?
Virtual Conference
A private training for Early On providers (OT, PT, Speech, and parent educators)
Feel confident working with children with even the most baffling behaviors. A playful brain-body based approach.
Virtual training open to all
A private training for foster families
Co-hosted with Marshall Lyles.
A two-day retreat: an intimate and unique experience to nurture ourselves and our connections.
Austin, TX
A private training for foster families
Two-day experiential workshop for all helpers and healers.
Brain Science + {Safety & Connection} = Transformation
Bloomington, IN
Join Robyn at a workshop at the Annual NACAC Conference
Join Robyn for a two day conference in Kentucky to harness the power of neuroscience to work with our most challenging child and family play therapy clients
A private training for families and providers hosted by The Catalyst Center and the California Alliance for Child & Family Services
Book Release Party & Signing~ Free in Grand Rapids, MI