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If you could have any superpower, which would you choose?
I’m partial to Iron Man…
Wait. I said if you could have any superpower…not any superhero. Darn.
If I could give you any superpower, it would be x-ray vision, hands down.
Specifically x-ray vision that would let you peer immediately into what is happening inside your child.
- What’s happening in their brain?
- What neurons are firing?
- What memories are awakening?
- What danger are they detecting?
- How hard is their accelerator being pressed?
- What neurotransmitters are flooding?
- What hormones?
Why would this matter?
Why would I choose x-ray vision as your superpower over something cooler, like superhuman strength? Or becoming teeny tiny? Or shooting spider webs out your wrist?
In attachment research and literature, we continually stumble into one common theme with regards to secure attachment.
The researchers and scientists and academics call this reflective functioning and mentalizing.
I call it x-ray vision.
It’s the ability to see past what you can see (behaviors) and consider what is driving those behaviors. What’s going on inside that is fueling this behavior?
The brain is literally behind everything. Everything. We do.
If the brain is behind, say, lying…well it stands to reason that we should consider what is going on in the brain when our kids are telling a lie.
Let’s take the superpower of X-Ray vision and add a booster pack to it.
Now our X-Ray vision not only lets us see into what is happening inside our child that is connected to the behavior we can easily observe, but it also let’s us hold in our mind the truth that our mind influences what we are seeing.
Wait what???
Yup. This booster pack gives you x-ray vision back to yourself. It’s kinda like it bounces off your kid and comes right back. Or something. I might be losing the metaphor here.
Our child’s mind, brain, and nervous system impacts their experience in the world.
And so does yours!!!
What’s happening in your brain, mind, body, and nervous system (which is impacted by everything that’s ever happened to you in that past) is influencing how you see your child in that moment.
What on earth is the benefit of X-Ray vision?
Well like I mentioned, this x-ray vision is called reflective functioning and mentalizing.
Reflective functioning and mentalizing are consistently connected to raising children with secure attachment.
The neurobiology behind secure attachment supports emotion regulation, the ‘pause’ before the reaction or explosion, insight, empathy, morality, relational skills, etc. etc. etc.
Basically. Everything you hope for when you are raising kids.
The X-Ray vision goggles help us stay regulated, too!!!
When we can clearly see what’s happening inside our kids, we can let go of our reflex to personalize it. To catastrophize it. To ‘future trip’ (future tripping means we start focusing on something catastrophic will happen to my child in the future because of this behavior).
When we stay regulated, we deal with the behavior better! Always!
The x-ray vision goggles help our child feel truly seen and known.
Your kid isn’t bad. Or a liar or a thief.
Your kid is a preciously amazing human who is struggling. And demonstrating a behavior that isn’t working for you. Both are true.
Our kids need us to see them this way in order for them to know it about themselves.
And when they know it about themselves, things get better.
When kids believe their behaviors are the result of what’s happening on our insides, they can feel empowered.
It feels possible to do something that could change those behaviors!
When kids believe that their behaviors are the result of them just being inherently bad, it feels impossible to ever change that. So why would they try?
The x-ray vision goggles allow us to actually solve the real problem.
Whatever is driving the behavior.
It’s like a row of cascading dominoes with the final domino being the behavior. If we can see the real problem domino, we can pull it out and maybe stop the cascade.
I promise.
If I’m ever offered the opportunity to grant a superpower to the whole word- or even just to parents of kids with a history of trauma- I’m choosing x-ray vision with a booster shot.
Until that opportunity appears (will Tony Stark be the one offering it?!?!?) I will just keep teaching. I’ll help you learn about the neurobiology of being human. I’ll help you learn about how trauma impacts the neurobiology of being human.
Promise. Pinky Promise.