As I sat down to prep this final podcast episode of 2021- I really paused and reflected on the question- what do you need?

What Do You Need?

What do you need in December?  In a time of year that often involves increased dysregulation and chaos.  There are more responsibilities this time of year.  You might feel more pressure to have a family that looks or acts a certain way. 

There are definitely more opportunities to enforce our own boundaries. 

And almost certainly more opportunities to grieve that this isn’t life you imagined. 

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Both Places Are OK

Maybe you’re realizing for the first time that you can grieve that truth while also being OK. 

I remember the first time I consciously realized that I was sitting squarely in ‘wow everything is awful right now’ while at the same time still being so content and even grateful for the different layers of goodness in my life.

Maybe you cannot even imagine that being true.

Both places are OK.

You are Exactly Where you Need to Be.

Maybe this is the year you’ve come into connection with the truth that you are not alone. 

You may indeed be extremely lonely- parenting kids with big behaviors can be traumatically lonely- but you are not alone. 

Maybe this is the year you’ve come into connection to the truth that there is nothing wrong with you.  Or your child. 

Maybe this is the year you’ve come into connection with that the truth that there is nothing wrong with you and there are always things we could work on to do better. 

I know that’s true for me.

Nothing Wrong With You (or me!)

I really believe, finally, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with me. 

I also know that there are still many, many moments when I get dysregulated, when my hurting inner parts get touched, awakened, and overwhelmed.

When this happens, I sometimes behave in a way that hurts me or the people I love. 

There’s nothing wrong with me and I can keep fiercely working to care for my own inner world so that I don’t hurt the people I love.

That is my wish for you, too.

Cannot Change the Hard

There’s very little I can do to change what’s hard in your life.  You know that.  I know that.

What I can do, what I strive to do every day, is to show up in your life- whether that’s in your earbuds on this podcast- in your inbox, in The Club where we are getting to know each other so well, or maybe you’re even someone I know really really well.

Regardless of how we are connected, me and you- we are connected. 

Every day I strive to show up in your life and remind you of your infinite worth. 

I strive to remind you that you are worthy of compassion. 

I strive to remind you that you are a perfectly imperfect human doing their absolute very best.  And so are your kids. 

The Hard Can Feel Less Hard

Helping you see your own infinite worth and how you are deserving of self-compassion doesn’t change anything about what’s hard in your life.

But over time, it will help you ride the rollercoaster of hard a little more smoothly. 

So that’s what I do.  I try to show up and tenaciously prove up to you that you are good and worth of self-compassion.  That all behavior makes sense- yours and your child’s and really, everyone else’s. 

What I Needed

Obviously, as I sat down to ponder what do you need from this final episode of 2021, I ended up realizing I really have no idea what you need!

This reflection actually turned out to be more of what I needed.  Perhaps it ended up being what you needed, too. 

Ready for a Break!

The podcast will be back in January.  I’m not going to promise you when in January because I’m just not sure yet!  In the next few weeks, I’m focusing on my family, my incoming cohort of Being With, and all the parents in The Club.  I’m focusing on play and rest and the Nutcracker and spending days in my pjs and maybe even going downhill skiing if we get any good snow. 

Y’all I really seriously started this podcast on a whim.  I was going to do Facebook lives and I thought I’d throw the audios into a podcast feed and wha-la.  Podcast.

I did that.  For four or five episodes.

Then I realized I kinda hated those Facebook Lives but I loved podcasting. 

This makes sense because I love listening to podcasts and delight in feeling as though total strangers are my friends because I hear them so often in my ear buds. 

I delight in the idea that maybe you feel like we know each other.

It Feels so Good to be Known.

For a podcast on a whim, I’m pretty darn proud of what we’ve created here.  The guests I’ve been lucky to host, the new friends I’ve made, the laughter, and the emails I get from you. 

Thank you for bringing me on your journey and thank you for being a part of mine.  I’ll see you back here in 2022!!!


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Lori Desautels is an assistant professor in the College of Education at Butler University in Indianapolis.  Dr. Desautels is especially interested in applying the social and affective neurosciences, including polyvagal theory, into the education setting.  Dr. Desautels also spends two days a week in the classroom, currently with 7th graders, where she has the opportunity to be applying the concepts she is teaching to other educators.

Dr. Desautels remembers that even before she moved into academia or had the opportunity to be exposed to social neuroscience she had a lot of curiosity about what behavior really is.  She’s always been on a quest to find out what is driving behavior (sound familiar?!).

Now equipped with the science of behavior, including the autonomic nervous system, she is tenaciously working to bring this science to classroom educations.

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The Brainstem

The brainstem, Dr. Desautels described, speaks the language of sensation.  Children who in a state of arousal or not experiencing felt-safety, will respond to sensation or sensation-based language to help bring safety and soothing into their nervous system.

If we want children’s higher brains to work- where memory, language, and facts are all located- they have to have safe and soothed brainstems.

Children, and of course educators too, are stressed.  Their brainstems need safety and soothing first so that they can learn at school.

Fight/Flight/Collapse Behaviors

Disruptive behaviors- opposition, defiance, refusal to participate- are behaviors that fall somewhere on the fight/flight/collapse continuums.  These are behaviors that are emerging from a state of survival.

When we discipline survival based behaviors, that discipline backfires because we are adding to stress instead of decreasing stress.

Behavior Management is About Adult

Behavior management is not about children- it’s about the adults! It’s about being attuned to, soothing, and regulating our own nervous system.  If we want to change the behavior of children, we have to bring safety and soothing to the adult’s nervous system!

Rewiring our Perceptions of Discipline

The subtitle of Dr. Desautels’ book is Rewiring of Perceptions of Discipline.  In her book, Dr. Desautels provides the research that backs up the assertion that a dysregulated adult cannot help to regulate a dysregulated child.  For the majority of adults, this is a new look at what discipline really is.

Dr. Desautels shared that she has spent years practicing awareness of her own physiological cues- tone of voice, tightness in her muscles and other indicators of stress in her own nervous system.  As she grows in awareness by intentionally noticing, she is better able to regulate her own stress and then co-regulate her students.

It’s OK Not to Be OK

Dr. Desautels emphasizes that there isn’t a better or right state of the nervous system.  It’s OK not to be OK!  The important piece isn’t being in a certain state of the nervous system it’s about developing the capacity to notice the ebbs and flows in our own nervous system.

With increased awareness, we can increase our ability to be present with ourselves and offer ourselves self-compassion.  Presence and self-compassion begin to bring our own nervous system more into a state of safety.

How To Help Kids

Dr. Desautels reminded us that movement, rhythm, and sensory experiences can all offer experiences of safety to our nervous system.

Practices of focused attention- training our brain to be present in the here and now and notice what’s actually happening- have the potential to create significant change in our nervous system.  Dr. Desautels’ work with schools and educators is helping them bring these practices into their classrooms.

How to Help Teachers

I asked Dr. Desautels how she is bringing these ideas to educators who are stressed and overwhelmed.  How is she helping educators see the benefits of tending to the nervous system without them feeling like it’s one more thing to do.

Dr. Desautels stated that she teachers educators that she isn’t adding anything more to their plate.  Their nervous system- whether they are paying attention to it or not- is their plate.  She is teaching educators to be more connected to what already exists.

She is also teaching educators to look at discipline as something that is always happening, it’s happening naturally.  Discipline is noticing a student’s nervous system, and discipline is prompting three deep breaths.  She is teaching educators how to look at behaviors differently and that’s discipline.

Discipline versus Punishment

Discipline isn’t only responsive (occurring after a child’s negative behavior) and it’s definitely not punishment.  Discipline is developing proactive practices to help children become more connected to themselves, each other, and to the adults.

Dr. Desautels and I have similar experiences that when we teach the science of nervous system and the science of behavior it doesn’t feel like we are stressing out our already stressed nervous system by adding ‘one more thing’ to our plates.  Understanding the science of behavior feels relieving.  It brings attunement and resonance to our own nervous systems and decreases- not increases- our stress.

Find Dr. Desautles!

Dr. Desautels’ website: Revelations in Education

Her book: Connection over Compliance: Rewiring our Perceptions of Discipline can be ordered HERE on Amazon.  The audio book is coming soon!
