Shut-Down, Stonewalled, and Alone

Sponsoring Organization:  ATTACh Conference

Date: September 30, 2022

Time: 10:15 – 11:45am pacific

Location: Anaheim, CA

ATTACh Conference- Catch the Wave of Hope and Healing

Hilton Anaheim

Description: Children who are shut-down may seem easier to parent than children who are explosive, but the truth is, they are hardest to reach. This workshop decodes these frustrating and elusive behaviors using the latest research on the science of safety. Attendees will learn practical strategies they can immediately implement.

Registration Information: The 34th Annual ATTACh conference is a 3-day conference that brings together international leaders in the field of attachment and trauma healing.  There are multiple tracks, including clinical, parent, and occupational therapy.  Register through ATTACh for one, two, or three days of this LIVE in person training in Anaheim, CA.