Six Weeks to Discover

the story that’s lying just below the surface
& how to invite that story to become known

For Everyone Impacted by Adoption

(bringing everyone together is way more fun.  Adoption has already caused too much separation)

Adoption rewrites a story.

This often becomes a story so full of confusion that no one knows what to say or do. There’s a story that’s hiding…and it seems like it might be scary- I mean, why else would it be hiding?

But it isn’t scary.

It’s not scary because its true. 

It’s just you (or your child)! You (and your child!) aren’t scary.

We can find the story.  Gently. Lovingly.

And then burst it wide open in all it’s complete wonderfulness.

The Story Under the Story

will create the opportunity for more connection to yourself, decrease shame, and wake up the fantasticness inside you that actually has always been there.

Parents– you’ll get DOUBLE the impact — we’re talking x-ray vision goggles!  Because connecting to your own story under the story is all about secure attachment — to yourself and your child!

Can’t wait one more second to sign up???

We started on December 10 but you can still join us!  The recordings are stored in the course and you can catch up before our next live session! 

Or never come live and do them all by recording!  You decide!


We’ll give you all the deets of course,

but first…here’s how to know if these six weeks of magical fun and delight are what you’re looking for right now.

You might be an adoptive parent.  Or an adopted person.  Or someone who lost a child to adoption or has been impacted by adoption in some way.

The world always separates folks impacted by adoption….

but we don’t like to do things the way other people do.  So we are bringing everyone together.

There’s a story in adoption…

a child was born to one family but then becomes a part of another.  It’s the story we talk about.  The story that’s easy to see.  We get so focused on the story we see that we stop noticing the story under the story.

It’s the story under the story that’s true.  It’s the story that connects us to ourselves.  To each other.  To our infinite worth.  We might not even know that there is a story under the story.  But there is!!!  And when we find this story, we find ourselves.  And then we find each other.  And if we’re parents–we can find our children and they can find us.  Things might not get easier…but they certainly become more filled with ease.

At the end of our six weeks together, you will have:

More confidence, joy, and hopefulness.

New tools in your good-life toolbox.

Laughed so hard you might pee yourself.

Had the fun of witnessing yourself discovering yourself.

Watched two friends convey to each other–and ultimately to you–their deep commitment to the truth that everyone EVERYONE overflows with infinite worth.  There is nothing wrong with you.

Discovered that what you might believe is your biggest flaw is actually your biggest superpower.
(I mean…you might as well.)

More connection to yourself–which is going to create the space for you to be more connected to your kids (and other important relationships).

People seem to like us.

Here’s what they’ve had to say!


for everything you offer online.  I consider you and Anne to be a part of my team.

~totally awesome human who spontaneously texted this to Robyn (adoption professional)

It was incredible.

It was so helpful to hear this- Anne is so open and honest about her feelings and what drives them.

~”Dear Adoptive Parents” webinar attendee (adoptive parent)

“Robyn & Anne

are having key conversations

about adoption. The importance of their example, expertise and understanding can not be over stated and is vital for adoptive parents to hear. For those willing to listen and learn, you will help your adoptees and gain insight into their experience.

~adopted person

I have watched several times…

and have to say how valuable it was for me to witness the connection/interaction/healing between you and Anne.  I wrote down pages of notes and would love to hear more.

~ “Dear Adoptive Parent” attendee – adoptive parent and professional

“I’m so glad I tuned in…

I think I cried the entire time. I needed to hear this.

~ “Dear Adoptive Parent” attendee – adoptive parent 

“Robyn & Anne

bring together the lived experience of being adopted and the clinical perspective of a knowledgeable therapist. The result is the adoptee being seen, validated and understood, which offers adopting parents a perspective of being adopted that is so often overlooked.

~therapist & adopted person

Seriously…you just can’t wait any longer?

We started on December 10 but you can still join us!  The recordings are stored in the course and you can catch up before our next live session! 

Or never come live and do them all by recording!  You decide!


When I finally, after decades of trying, was able to write my story

I was able to see the mistaken beliefs that had kept me from accessing my true voice and sense of realness as a human on the planet.

My parents, my teachers, and my therapists did not know how to help me, an adopted person, get to me, a person. I didn’t know, either, and so for most of my life I was like a train careening down a perilous track, ready to fly off and crash and any moment, over and over and over again.

After I got my story on paper, after I showed up for myself, I looked back at what had shifted for me and developed a series of questions to help someone like me get to the heart of the matter super efficiently. By someone like me, I mean someone unsure of who they are, what their purpose is in life, and how to accomplish things that feel both important and out of reach.

(psssttt….Robyn here…Anne didn’t mention that she’s the author of the amazing memoir You Don’t Look Adopted.   It’s awesome.  Honest.  Go check out the Amazon reviews and then put it in your cart!!!)

The story under my story?

I’ve been looking for it my whole life.  I’ve only recently realized there is a sparkling thread that has woven my life together since I was barely three.  A sparkling thread of words.  Reading.  Then writing.  In third grade, I’d skip recess to stay in and write stories on our fancy Apple computers in the media center.  I’ve never stopped.

Then I became a therapist committed to attachment theory.  The greatest predictor of secure attachment?  A coherent life narrative.  A story.  One that makes sense.  A story that might be written.  A story that might be told.  A story that might be drawn.  A story that might show up in a sand tray.  All stories, nonetheless.  OUR stories.  Getting them out.  Looking at them.  Owning them.  We are in our stories.  Owning our existence. Owning ourselves.

A six-week journey…

We’ll meet an hour a week for six weeks.

We’ll share, laugh, and maybe cry.

You’ll need some paper and a pen.  Maybe a pretty journal.  Or your laptop.

We’re going to write.

Because Anne is an author and writing coach.  Authors and writing coaches write.

Robyn is a therapist.  Therapists walk with clients while they write their story.  Sometimes in words, sometimes with their body, sometimes in the sand.

And because both Robyn and Anne have found their own story under the story

…through writing.  A lot.  

Here’s what we are hoping will happen….

  • You will be more excited to be yourself.
  • You’ll feel like you you bought a new car, only YOU are the new car.
  • You’ll see your problems are opportunities.
  • You’ll consider the truth that there is nothing wrong with you.

Each week has a theme!

Week One ~ December 10 @12pm eastern

Finding your voice.

Week Two ~ December 17 @12pm eastern

Finding your story.

*************off for the holidays****************

Week Three ~ January 7 @12pm eastern

Finding you.

Week Four ~ January 14 @12pm eastern

How to turn your greatest flaw into a superpower.

Week Five ~ January 21 @12pm eastern

How to accomplish what you want to but can’t.

Week Six ~ January 28 @12pm eastern

Living the paradox of living both the story and the story under the story.

Getting your story our clears out the muck.

You’ll move from not knowing how to see yourself on paper (or anywhere else)

….to seeing how wonderful and interesting and important you are.

You’ll see yourself as powerful

You’ll begin to use language in a way that shows both you and the world who you are.

You know how when you get new sneakers and you just want to go for a run?

You feel so bouncy and held.

Truth is beauty.

So–how do we get to the truth with language?

For some people this is terrifying. 

But it never shows anything bad because it can’t.

The truth of you is inherently wonderful.


When completing your purchase, you’ll create an account on Thinkific (the online course platform) where you login to access the course content.  Each week, the training with Anne and Robyn will happen LIVE right in Thinkific!  It’s so easy- you’ll only have ONE link to remember!

Nope (though it’s certainly more fun if you do!!).  Every week, the videos will be uploaded and stored into Thinkific- so they will always be in the same place and always very easy to find.

You’ll be able to watch the videos as much as you want, as often as you want until March 31, 2021.  We know we are super fun- so if you want to watch them longer than that, you can download the videos and keep them on your laptop or phone or tablet or those iDevices that some people use.

12pm Eastern = 11am Central, 10am Mountain, 9am Pacific, 8am Alaska…

12pm Eastern = 1pm Atlantic, 5pm Greenwich/London, 8pm Eastern African, 4am Australian Eastern Daylight

Need more help??  Here’s our favorite time zone converter.

Who knows!!!

Yup!!  We’re done separating folks.  Adoption already separates too many people.  We are all in this together.

We won’t be checking your ‘connected to adoption’ membership card, if that’s what you mean :)

And we consider professionals working with people impacted by adoption to be connected to adoption.  That’s how Robyn became a fierce advocate for adopted people!  Being welcomed in by Adoption Knowledge Affiliates in Austin, TX.

Robyn and Anne will be on camera!  You’ll have your camera and mic turned off but will be able to ask questions through the chat!

Nope!  Robyn’s a therapist, but this isn’t therapy.  The Story Under the Story is an exploration into ourselves, through writing.  You’ll probably experience some inner shifts, and this will probably help you in relationships and in your parenting.  But…it’s not therapy!

You won’t.

But seriously.  If you hate the first two and want all your moola back, we’ll give it to you.  Pinky promise.  You just have to email and ask (nicely) by December 31.

Alrighty…here’s your last chance!

We started on December 10 but you can still join us!  The recordings are stored in the course and you can catch up before our next live session! 

Or never come live and do them all by recording!  You decide!


“I have watched this several times…

and have to say how valuable it was for me to witness the connection/interaction/healing between you and Anne.  I wrote down pages of notes and would love to hear more.

~ “Dear Adoptive Parent” attendee – adoptive parent and professional


I think I cried the entire time. I needed to hear this.

~ “Dear Adoptive Parent” attendee – adoptive parent 


for everything you offer online.  I consider you and Anne to be a part of my team.

~totally awesome human who spontaneously texted this to Robyn (adoption professional)


It was so helpful to hear this- Anne is so open and honest about her feelings and what drives them.

~”Dear Adoptive Parents” webinar attendee (adoptive parent)

Slide Title

“Robyn & Anne

are having key conversations

about adoption. The importance of their example, expertise and understanding can not be over stated and is vital for adoptive parents to hear. For those willing to listen and learn, you will help your adoptees and gain insight into their experience.

~adopted person