Ready to STOP playing behavior whack-a-mole?
I’ll send a free one-hour webinar & eBook
Focus on the Nervous System to Change Behavior
How can infant mental health specialists support families raising infants and toddlers impacted by trauma and toxic stress?
Virtual Conference
A private training for Early On providers (OT, PT, Speech, and parent educators)
Feel confident working with children with even the most baffling behaviors. A playful brain-body based approach.
Virtual training open to all
A private training for foster families
Co-hosted with Marshall Lyles.
A two-day retreat: an intimate and unique experience to nurture ourselves and our connections.
Austin, TX
A private training for foster families
Two-day experiential workshop for all helpers and healers.
Brain Science + {Safety & Connection} = Transformation
Bloomington, IN
Join Robyn at a workshop at the Annual NACAC Conference
Join Robyn for a two day conference in Kentucky to harness the power of neuroscience to work with our most challenging child and family play therapy clients
A private training for families and providers hosted by The Catalyst Center and the California Alliance for Child & Family Services
Book Release Party & Signing~ Free in Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids, MI! A live event for parents who pre-order at least two copies of Raising Kids with Big, Baffling Behaviors