The Brilliance of Attachment

free Podcast Series & eBook

Attachment adaptations are brilliant & adaptive

…& they can change

Everything you never learned about attachment!!!  Attachment is a complex and layered theory that has changed everything we thought we knew about human relationships and behavior.

It’s also confusing and often misunderstood.

I wrote this six-part eBook on attachment so attachment theory could be a little less confusing and a little better understood.

  • Basics of Attachment
  • Secure Attachment (a closer look)
  • Insecure Anxious Attachment (a closer look)
  • Insecure Avoidant Attachment (a closer look)
  • The Tragedy of Disorganized Attachment
  • How Attachment Changes

I’m sooooo excited to share with you this F R E E eBook on The Brilliance of Attachment. 

Here’s a little sneak peak.

It’s actually over 50 pages long!