How do we help kids feel safe when they are safe? How do we help them take in the safety that exists in their life when their life experiences seem to have convinced them that nothing is safe.
Scaffolding. Yes, we can scaffold felt safety.
My recovery from a very serious back injury left me pondering the importance of felt safety in taking risks and the necessity of scaffolding felt safety.
In this episode, you’ll learn
- The importance of relationship in felt safety
- How even felt safety must be scaffolded for folx who don’t have a lot of experience being safe in relationship
- How amazing it is that our hurt kids risk relationship at all, and how it makes sense that sometimes they won’t
Listen on the Podcast
This blog is a short summary of a longer episode on The Baffling Behavior Show podcast.
Find The Baffling Behavior Show podcast on Apple Podcast, Google, Spotify, or in your favorite podcast app.
Or, you can read the entire transcript of the episode by scrolling down and clicking ‘transcript.’
Author of National Best Selling Book (including audiobook) Raising Kids with Big, Baffling Behaviors: Brain-Body-Sensory Strategies that Really Work