Mindi Kessler is the author of the book, Cycle Breaker: A Guide To Transcending Childhood Trauma. This book tells her story of overcoming devastating childhood abuse and imparts wisdom to inspire you to create a life you love if you also grew up feeling unsafe and unworthy. Her mission in life is to guide traumatized people through their cycle breaker journey.
Keep reading or listen on the podcast
Articulating Pain
One of the gifts of sharing her story of trauma, healing and transformation is that Mindi can articulate for parents of kids with trauma some of the things their children may be experiencing but cannot articulate. But she also gives voice to the journey of using your experiences with parenting challenges to inspire your own healing and transformation.
Becoming a Cycle Breaker
When we start to investigate our own reactions to our children’s behaviors, we can start to get clear on exactly how we are getting triggered by our kids and begin to identify how that is a trauma reenactment.
What exactly is a trauma reenactment?
Mindi explains, “Anytime we have a wound that’s unhealed, we are going to be driven to resolve that wound. And one way that transpires is that we engage in interactions with people that are very similar to the interactions we had when we were victimized. And so as adults, then we can be in both roles where we are being the one re victimized. So if we had a parent who was abusive physically, then we might have a child, for example, who gets physically aggressive. Or we might be the one to get physically aggressive to our child. And so we can find ourselves in either role of the victim or the aggressor. And when that’s happening, it’s important to do a deep dive to see what is being replicated. What is this reminding me of childhood? And that’s the point of intervention, which often needs to be done in the presence of a trauma practitioner who can really help because it’s a very complex process.”
But wait…maybe you didn’t have an obviously traumatic childhood?? Mindi expresses how often our own experiences of trauma were not recognized or minimized as children, so it is sometimes difficult to acknowledge or face the pain of not feeling safe or not feeling worthy in childhood…which are core experiences of trauma.
Looking at these unhealed wounds in ourselves is grueling work, but so worth it.
The magical thing is that as we heal what’s going on inside us, we see big changes in our external world. As WE heal, it’s causing a contagious healing effect to those around us, including our children.
Ways to Start Your Healing Journey
- Therapy
- Journaling
- Emotion Freedom Technique (EFT) Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/tapwithbrad
Listen on the Podcast
This blog is a short summary of a longer episode on the Parenting after Trauma podcast.
Find the Parenting after Trauma podcast on Apple Podcast, Google, Spotify, or in your favorite podcast app.
Or, you can read the entire transcript of the episode by scrolling down and clicking ‘transcript.’
Would you like to explore a complete paradigm-shift on how we see behavior? You can watch my F R E E 45(ish) minute-long masterclass on What Behavior Really Is and How to Change It.
Just let me know where to send the links!