Most parents I know have had the thought “I do not like my kid.”

Parents of kids with big baffling behaviors, lots of dysregulation, and especially histories of attachment or relationship trauma have had that thought more than once.

Then they become paralyzed by the shame of having that thought. More than once.

They tell no one.  Or if they do, it’s with a tone of both shame and horror at themselves. 

In a way, I have found this self-shaming to be more significant in the parents who are drawn to my work. Y’all are parents who are committed to understanding what behavior really is and how to respond by increasing connection, co-regulation, and felt-safety.

You’ll say things to me like “I know why my kid is struggling.  I know why they act this way.  It’s awful for me to feel like I don’t like them.  I’m an awful person.”

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You’re Not Awful.  It’s an Awful Way to Feel

Well y’all here’s the thing.  It is awful to feel like you don’t like your child.  It’s an awful way to feel.  But you aren’t awful.

Parenting is really hard, even on the best of days.  Really, really. hard.  We push through the hard of parenting because we get back a lot of experiences that aren’t hard.

Basically, the hard is worth it.

I know a lot of you listening to this podcast are parenting kids where it feels like it’s ALL hard.  There is little reprieve.  There aren’t very many moments of ease, let alone moments of delight.

Wanting your parenting journey to have ease, delight, and to include a relationship with someone who expresses love for you doesn’t make your selfish.

You Aren’t Selfish

It’s easy, but ultimately short-sighted and not based in reality, to say things like parenting isn’t about me, but the reality is parenting is a job for humans, and humans need connection.

Parenting is a relationship and even though we’re the grown-ups in the relationship, we’re still humans and that means we have needs in the relationship.

It’s OK to have Relationship Needs as Parent.

Of course it’s true that as the adult, we have more resources, more internal capacity for regulation, and more ability to delay our needs than our children do.  

Of course.

But we still have needs.

Being in relationship with someone who struggles to be in relationship, not because they are bad but because of the way their nervous system is patterned, can be traumatic.

Even if that relationship is the parent/child relationship.

When Parenting Feels Traumatic

What do we encourage people to do who are in relationships that feel traumatic?  

We usually encourage them to end that relationship.

This is a pretty tricky nuance with parenting.

Our kids are doing the very best they can.  They are behaving in ways that make complete sense given the state of their nervous system, their level of felt-safety, and the way their previous experiences have helped them survive.  

If you’re new here and looking for some support on understanding your kids’ baffling behaviors, head to for the What Behavior Really Is…and How to Change It masterclass. 

Both are True

It can be true that your kid is doing the very best they can and being their parent is still very very hard.

Sometimes our kids best is to protect themselves against intimate relationships.  This comes out with all sorts of behaviors that are challenging for us (and frankly for them- it’s terrible to be driven to reject something you also really need to survive).

Some of our kids have such a sensitive stress response systems that living with them feels like walking on egg-shells.  We’re tip-toeing around, waiting for an explosion, and feeling like hostages in our own homes.

Some of our kids have traumatic histories that have left such a tragic impact on their nervous system that they have behaviors that we actually even find disgusting.

The feeling of disgust is designed to have us push away whatever is causing that feeling.

But what about when it’s your kid?  And you feel compelled to push away, and then you feel the shame of being disgusted by your kid?

Take a Breath

I just took a breath.

A big one with a big sigh.

Y’all this is all just so so hard.

Like, calling it hard feels ridiculous because hard doesn’t even begin to capture the true feeling.

It’s Hard for You. And It’s Hard for Your Kid

Your child is trapped.  They are longing and desperate for safety and connection, yet they have experiences in the past that tell them that safety and connection isn’t safe.  

You know what happens when we need something that we also believe isn’t safe?  

We act really weird.  Bizarre.  Maybe even in ways that evoke disgust.

Or maybe their nervous system, for whatever reason, is so fragile that they, and then of course you too, are constantly on alert- just waiting for the next explosion.

It’s exhausting.

Then you add in the judgment from others, the lack of support, and the fact that for some of your kids, what they need literally doesn’t even exist.  And if it did, it probably wouldn’t be accessible to the average family. 

OK YUP.  Sometimes all of this results in a feeling of not really liking our kid that much.

Try This

See if you can be honest with yourself that the feeling of not liking your kid is painful.  To you.  It’s a moment of suffering in your own heart.

You know what Dr. Kristin Neff invites us to do with our suffering?

We meet it with self-compassion.

Yup.  When you find yourself not liking your kid, the next step (instead of judging or shaming yourself) is to take a breath and think “Wow.  Not liking my kid is very painful.  This is a moment of suffering.  Suffering deserves compassion.”

 The Only Way Out is to be Seen

The feeling of not liking your kid needs to be seen. And not with horror but with curiosity and compassion.

Then an invitation can be extended to that feeling.

Can a feeling exist without actions?


Can I not like my kid but still take care of them?


Can I meet myself with compassion every time I feel like I don’t like my child?


Will meeting that feeling with compassion help me feel better?


Can I not like my kid while still believing 100% that they are worthy of love and adoration and overflowing with infinite worth?


That, in fact, is the goal.

Let’s Hold Both Truths

Being worthy of love and adoration is our birthright.  

Your child does indeed overflow with infinite worth.  And their nervous system drives behaviors that make it very difficult for you to like them. 

Our kids deserve to be looked at with eyes of adoration.

They need that.

They need to know they delight people simply because they exist.

You can send yourself self-compassion for feeling like you don’t like your kid and still keep working ferociously hard at finding a way to like your kid.

They deserve it and honestly, you do too.

So. What Do You Do?

Find other adults in your child’s life who will look at them with delight.

And you find other adults in your life who look at YOU with delight.

That.  That’s really the antidote.

If you want to find ways to adore your child, find people who adore you. 

Even if that person is yourself. 

Since you’re listening to this podcast and reading this blog, you’ve already found one person.

I Adore You

I adore you.

I adore your kids.

People ask me all the time- why do you work with these kids?

I’m not completely sure but for whatever reason, I just get them.  They make sense to me.  I adore them.

This is also true about their parents.  

I don’t know exactly why I love y’all.  But I do.  

I love the parents of kids with big behaviors who keep looking for what they need.  

I love parents who are willing to regulate through the vulnerability of asking for help.  They show up.  

For years, they showed up in my office.  Every week they were brave and showed up.  

You show up by hitting play on this podcast and reading this blog.  

Parents show up at the conferences and workshops I teach.  

They show up in the Club.

This really is quite remarkable.  It’s raw and honest and remarkable and I love these parents.  I adore them.  I adore you.  

You are Adored

I know I know.  That might sound trite.  I don’t even know you.

I actually don’t really need to.

I know your true self is easy to adore because I know that’s true about all people. 

Not liking your kid is painful.  Hitting play on this episode was brave. 

I worry about all the adults who were kids with big baffling behaviors seeing this podcast and feeling the pain of wondering if their parents didn’t like them.

But here’s what I know.  I know feeling that way about your kid and still seeking out help, support, listening to this podcast and joining The Club- I know that it matters.

The Work You’re Doing Matters

I will never ever forget a conference attendee who emailed me after the conference.  It was a conference for parents who had adopted children through foster care.

This attendee emailed and told me they had once been one of those kids.  They grew up in foster care.  They experienced abuse and neglect and had the behaviors of the kids we were talking about at the conference.

They were overcome with emotion sitting in a conference ballroom looking around at the hundreds of parents there who were showing up for themselves and their kids.  They wanted to do better.

This attendee emailed me and wrote

I wanted to be a kid again, and have one of them be my parents.

Show up Imperfectly

No matter how imperfectly you show up for your kids, you are trying.  You keep trying.  You deal with the pain and the vulnerability and you keep trying.  You wouldn’t be listening if that wasn’t true.

That matters.  

It matters to your kids but you never know who else it might matter to- like that adult in the audience of that conference who once was your kid.  

And who was filled with relief that so many parents were there, at that conference, trying.  Trying to see their kids for their real true loveable and worthy of adoration selves.


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“I’ve been listening to you since the beginning but I’m having such a hard doing the things I’m learning.  What am I doing wrong?”

I have a feeling soooo many of you are nodding your head.  Yup, been there.  Yup, asked that question.

Here’s the short answer.

You’re doing nothing wrong.

Listen for the long answer (you know I have a long answer!) and also for ideas about what to do next.  What are the steps to take to moving from knowing to doing?

Welcome to Fridays in February Q&As!

I’ll be answering one question every Friday in February.

Have a question?  Leave me a voice message over at

Look for the box that says “Send me a question!”

Hit the button and record your question right on my website.  Easy peasy!

See you next week!


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Katie Malinski, LCSW is a therapist and parent coach in Austin, TX.  I’ve been lucky to know Katie for well over a decade.  In the last few years of my life in Austin, Katie and I could wave at each other from our offices because she moved in across the street.

Katie recently published her first book and I was thrilled she accepted the invitation to be on the podcast.  

How to Talk to Your Teen About Anything

Katie organizes her book around 5 Key Skills for parenting teens:

  1. Active Listening
  2. Authentic Communication
  3. Non-verbal Communication
  4. Emotional Regulation
  5. Boundaries and Emotional Boundaries

Non-Verbal Communication

I enjoyed all of Katie’s book, and I was especially excited to chat with her about her chapter on non-verbal communication.

Katie does a great job verbally explaining non-verbal communication- which is really hard to do!

Body Posture and Position

Sitting down, getting lower than our teen, relaxing our arms, and slouching so we have a curved spine and a soft belly sends the message “I’m not a threat.”

It can quickly de-escalate a stressful situation for two reasons.

  1. Slouching your body sends a message to your brain “Everything’s OK here.”  This means you’ll be less likely to threaten, raise your voice, or act in a threatening way to your teen.
  2. Slouching your body sends a message to your teen’s brain “My parent isn’t a threat.”  

Y’all know I talk soooo much about felt-safety.  If we want to change our teen’s defensive behavior, we have to help their brain and body know they are safe when they are safe.  

You and I know we aren’t a threat!  But if we’re leaning toward our teen, towering over them, and have a body-posture that is communicating “I’m ready for action!” we can unintentionally be telling our teen that we’re a threat to them.  

Tone, Pace, Volume, and Intensity

It’s not just the words we say but the way we say them.  Interestingly, when Katie and I were talking and playing around with changing our body posture during the podcast interview, we noticed how our tone of voice changed.

We talked slower.  And more quiet.  

There’s an amazing loop of information that goes between posture, tone, and physiology.  

Just like changing our posture, changing our tone, pace, volume, and intensity of our voice sends the message “Everything is OK here.”  It’s a message to ourselves as well as to our teens.  

Hand Gestures

Some of us are talk with our hands more wildly than others!  This is definitely something to pay attention to when you are in a heated discussion with your teen.  You don’t have to glue your hands to your side like a weird robot, but wild, gesticulating hands and arms send a DANGER DANGER message.  

Keep your hands loose and low!

Physical Distance

I learned something new from Katie!  The term “flight distance.”

Flight distance is the physical distance an animal will allow a potential predator to get before it gets spooked.  

How close can we get to our teens to offer co-regulation while staying far enough away not to spook them?

This will really vary and something you’ll have to experiment with.  I often encourage parents to stay far enough away not to feel threatening to your child or escalate the situation, but close enough that you can notice the subtle changes that let you know your teen is ready to connect.

Turns out, there’s a word for that.  Flight distance!

Upcoming Free Webinar with Katie

The Velvet Rope: Health Emotional Boundaries with your Teen

Katie and I didn’t get to talk too much about the chapter on emotional boundaries- but that’s OK because she has a free webinar coming up.

It’s FREE and you don’t have to attend live BUT you do have to pre-register!

CLICK HERE to check out the details and register.

Get More of Katie

Sign-up for Katie’s email newsletter over on her website and get her 5 Tips for Better Behavior.

Katie has an infographic and video on The Arc of the Tantrum that I know you’ll love.  

Katie is a therapist and parent coach in Austin, TX, offering virtual parent coaching sessions.  

Connect with Katie on Facebook and tell her I sent you!


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Ah yes.  The dreaded flop.

When our kids are toooooo exhausted to do a request or a chore.

What do we do?!?!

Welcome to Fridays in February Q&As!

I’ll be answering one question every Friday in February.

Have a question?  Leave me a voice message over at

Look for the box that says “Send me a question!”

Hit the button and record your question right on my website.  Easy peasy!

See you next week!


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Too Many Experts

Every day, I connect with parents in my inbox, in social media, in The Club who are struggling and confused by conflicting parenting advice.

One expert says name your kid’s feelings for them.

Another says don’t.

One expert says eye contact is super important.

Another says don’t force it. (By the way, don’t force eye contact).

One expert says never ever change your expectations for your child- be predictable!

Another says don’t hesitate to change your expectations to match your child’s capabilities.

Parenting kids with big baffling behaviors is nothing if it’s not extremely confusing.

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Finding Help- Or Is It?

You go searching for help.  And you find it!  Then you find more help- but it contradicts the first help.  

Then your neighbor shares a podcast that recommends something different.  

Oh yeah, and then grandma sends an article that’s different yet again.

I know that when it feels like everything is crumbling down around you, finding an expert who says that they have a fool-proof answer is relieving.  It’s regulating!  It helps you feel less alone and less hopeless. 

Those are super important feelings.  

Fool-Proof Answers Never Are

Almost always though, it backfires.

It’s kinda like how behavior charts can work in the short term for our kids- but then ultimately they backfire.

They backfire for the same reason.

Behavior charts don’t solve the real problem.  

Parent experts who only teach “what to do” don’t solve the real problem.

I know it might sound exhausting but the only person who can become an expert at your kid is you.

Well, and your child of course.  Hopefully, that goes without saying.  

Strategies are Regulating

Having a tool-box full of parenting tools, scripts to say when faced with disrespect or lying, or even a sensory strategy like offering a drink or a snack to a child who is being sassy is really important.

Parents aren’t experts in the sensory system. You need people to give you those ideas.

Having a script to respond to a problem when you otherwise don’t know how to respond is great.

Sometimes they’ll work!

They’ll help you feel more regulated and grounded and less helpless.  That’s very important in parenting!

Sometimes they won’t work.

Sometimes your sassy child who previously loved the smoothie you offered will scream NO back in your face.

The “try that again with respect” script will be met with a sneer.

Good Strategies.  Bad Time.

Not because these are bad strategies.  Nope. These are strategies that make sense.


I mean it all really just depends.  

On your child.

Your history.

Their history.

How dysregulated they are.

What happened in the moments previous.

There are just so many variables!!!

What if You Can Understand the Science Behind the Strategy?

Offering a drink to a sassy kid is potentially regulating because offering drinks is a nurturing gesture.  There’s a sensory component to drinking.  Does you kid like hot or cold drinks?  Thick, smoothie like drinks?  With a straw? 

Well, sucking can be regulating so thick and through a straw might be a great idea.

But if your kid is tooooo dysregulated- like a barking growling watchdog that I’d say is on the ‘terror’ level of Dr. Perry’s arousal continuum and the most likely thing that will happen when you offer a drink is that it gets chucked back at you.

It’s not that drinks aren’t regulating.  It’s that it wasn’t the right tool for the right moment.

“Try that again with respect” can be a great option for a child who is mildly dysregulated.  

This means there’s still enough connection that the child is interested in preserving that connection.  

This means that the level of dysregulation is mild enough that language can still be processed – they understand YOUR words- and language can still be accessed – they can form words!

But when your child responds with a curse word and a shocking gesture, it’s not that it’s a tool that doesn’t work.

It’s that they were too dysregulated.  

Well, That Depends

Almost always when folks ask me how to address a specific moment in parenting- usually a specific behavior that they find problematic- my answer is “well that depends.”  

What’s the child’s level of dysregulation?  What’s happening in their body?  Let’s check out felt safety and remember felt-safety isn’t just about relationship.  Felt-safety is about the environment, the child’s inner world, and allllll their previous experiences matter, too.  

What About Us?

Oh and…kids only come into regulation, connection, and felt-safety if WE are regulated, connected, and our nervous system is able to offer safety.  

Which doesn’t mean that our kids’ behavior problems are necessarily our fault, but it does mean that our first priority is always to attune to and check ourselves.

If we’re dysregulated, and sometimes rightfully so, how can we expect our kids to become more regulated?

And more regulated is indeed what we are going for if we are going for improved behavior.

Empowering Parents

Parenting experts – and I recognize you might consider me one but actually, I don’t – can easily run the risk of disempowering parents.

I don’t consider myself a parenting expert.

You know what I know a lot about?

The nervous system.  The science of safety.  How behaviors emerge from our autonomic state.

I know a lot about attachment.  I understand the neurobiology of disorganized attachment and how this translates to behaviors.  

I teach about that. 

I want you to become your child’s expert (well as much as you can.  Your child is their own expert, actually).  I want you to understand the science of safety and what behavior really is.  

I also want you to apply alllllll the information to yourself, so you can have compassion for yourself.

What Behavior Really Is

With a few tools in your pocket, an understanding of why those tools work, and some compassion for yourself so you can stay regulated, too, YOU become your child’s expert.  

It’s great to get ideas from others.  I get a LOT of ideas from other people.  About parenting.  Growing a business.  Being a good partner.  Friendship.  Being an aerialist!

But ultimately, they are ideas.  I can combine those ideas with what I know about my child, my business, my clients, my partner, my friends, and my body and then the magic can really happen.

Then I can use my regulation, my embodied attunement to myself and to others, and allow my quiet wisdom to guide my next step.

I still get a lot of things wrong. Parenting, partnering, in business, as a helper…

But because I’m in the relationship as my full self and not just as someone using tools, I can use the mistake to help me know what to do next.  

Keep learning about the science of behavior.  Make sense of what feels impossible to make sense of- your kids behavior!!!  

Grow your own window of tolerance.  Be your child’s expert.  Yet stay curious and humble enough to know that actually your child is their own expert.  

Learn the Why

Learn from the experts.  But learn the science.  Learn the why.  

When you know the why, when you understand what behavior really is and the science of safety, you’ll be able to figure out how to approach any behavior.

Or at least a lot of them.  And you’ll feel a lot more confident admitting when you have no idea what to do next.  Because neither do the experts.  


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Sarah Bren, PhD is a clinical psychologist and mom to two little ones in upstate New York where she loves to work with new parents, especially parents who want to parent differently than they were parented.  

Dr. Bren developed an interest in working with parents when she became a parent herself.  She was learning about parenting and parenting models and realized that so much of what she was reading directly related to the work she was doing with adult clients.

This insight sparked Dr. Bren’s interest in working with parents with the goal of helping parents break generational patterns and hopefully reduce the number of adults who have to heal from their childhoods.

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There is no checklist- or is there?

I remember when I first learned about attachment parenting, I really wanted a better checklist.  I wanted the parenting experts to just tell me what to do to raise a kid with secure attachment.  

Regretfully, I didn’t find exactly the checklist I was looking for. Yet Dr. Bren reminded me that in a way, there is a checklist.  It just doesn’t contain things like “babywear” or “cosleep.”

The Secure Attachment Checklist

  • Can I sit in this space and just be with my child?
  • Can I respond to their needs?
  • Can I respond to my needs?
  • Can we both be two humans in this space, paying attention, tuned to it, but still two separate human beings?

Attachment Theory

Dr. Bren looks at attachment theory as an umbrella.  Under the umbrella there are lots of different ways of parenting that are supported by attachment theory.  For some families, that’s attachment parenting.  For some families, it’s not.

Dr. Bren reminds us that secure attachment emerges from secure attachment to ourselves.  Secure attachment to ourselves involves being attuned to ourselves, noticing our own needs and feelings, and responding to our own needs while negotiating how to respond to our child’s needs.  

Disconnecting from Ourselves

When we lose ourselves in the parenting relationship and focus only on our children’s needs and never on our own, we can unintentionally foster a relationship that looks more like co-dependence.  

Our children can struggle to feel like separate individuals. This ultimately leads to a lot of anxiety when children and parents aren’t together.  

Secure Attachment

Secure attachment leads to feelings of both connection and autonomy.  Togetherness and separateness.  

When babies are born, they are merged with their caregiver.  This is by design!  

As babies grow and get older, it’s inevitable that their caregiver will misattune to them.  

Not only is this inevitable but it’s good.  It allows our children to develop their sense of separateness.  

“I’m different from my caregiver.  We aren’t the same person. I am me and you are you.” ~Babies developing secure attachment. 

This separateness is actually the very foundation for secure attachment.  

Attunement to Self First

It’s impossible to attune to someone else if you aren’t first attuned to ourselves.  

As a parent, this can be so hard!  We are working so hard to be tuned in to our kids that we can lose our attunement to ourselves.  

Attachment and Older Kids (including adult children)

You might be reading this and reflecting on attachment with your older child- maybe even with your adult children.

Sometimes learning about attachment when our children are older can evoke a feeling of hopelessness. It can feel like it’s too late to make any changes.

It’s never too late and there is so much hope!

Attachment and Relationships can Always Change.  

When we are motivated to shift our relationship with our older or adult children, we often want to know what to do.

The first step, though, is getting quiet with ourselves. The first step is determining where your own safety is.  How do you feel safe?  What is the safest relationship you have ever had?  

If we want our children to feel safe in their relationship with us, we have to feel safe in our relationship with ourselves.  

The second step is often to explore our own attachment relationships.  How were we parented? And how did that impact us? Why are my triggers?

The third step, and only after we explore steps one and two, is to ask ourselves the question “And now what do I do differently?”

Curiosity Leads to Secure Attachment

Exploring these types of questions with ourselves is a step toward more security with ourselves!  Curiosity both leads to and emerges from secure attachment.  

If we had caregivers who were with us with curiosity, that curiosity becomes our narrative.  If we had caregivers who were harsh or critical, that criticism becomes our narrative.

As an adult working toward secure attachment, we can develop relationships with curious people and can become our own curious voice.

Instead of asking ourselves “What is wrong with you?” we can shift to asking ourselves “That’s interesting- I wonder what’s happening right now?”

Internalizing a New Voice

It’s possible to internalize the curious voice of a friend, a partner, or a therapist.  It’s also possible to internalize the curious voice of a fictional character.

One of my internalized fictional characters is Anne from Anne of Green Gables.  Her curiosity for life, her delight, her ease in finding the goodness in everyone is a way of being I’ve deliberately internalized.  

Dr. Bren and I agree that we both think therapy is a wonderful way to develop a new way of being with ourselves, but it’s not the only way.  So many people don’t have access to therapy, and so many people have found healing without therapy.  

How Do I Do Differently For My Kids?

So many of us want to parent our kids differently than we were parented.  It’s important to take one step back from that question and ask ourselves “How can we parent ourselves differently?”

  • Can we be with ourselves in a curious, compassionate way?
  • Can we welcome all of our own feelings and even the times where we parent in a way we wish we hadn’t?  

If we can do that with ourselves, we’ll be more successful at doing this with our children.

The curious, compassionate, “all parts of you are welcome” way of being is the path to secure attachment with our children. ~Robyn Gobbel

Find Dr. Sarah Bren

Follow Dr. Bren on Instagram:

Listen to Dr. Bren’s podcast:

Listen to when I was a guest on Dr. Bren’s podcast:

Check our Dr. Bren’s parent course:

Explore More About Attachment

Early in this episode, Dr. Bren and I briefly discussed my free downloadable eBook all about The Brilliance of Attachment. Download that free eBook here:


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The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. ~Carl Rogers

The Science Backs it Up

You know, one of my favorite things about studying relational neuroscience is discovering the science that proves things we’ve known all along. 

Not everyone needs the science, and I know some think the science destracts from the powerful truths that people have been brave enough to say and believe without having science to back it up.  

I think both approaches are fine.  I just happen to like the science.  

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Acceptance Leads to Change?!

Y’all I remember being pretty pissed about this sentiment by Carl Rogers.  

How could I accept parts of myself?  How could I do that with the explicit purpose of wanting to change because frankly that seemed to contradict itself.  And I wanted to follow the instructions correctly because yeah I really wanted to change.  I’m very good at following instructions to eventually obtain the end result.

But that didn’t seem exactly what Carl Rogers had in mind.  

I also wanted to understand why.  WHY did acceptance lead to the possibility of change?

You know, I needed to make sure Carl Rogers wasn’t tricking me.  And if I could understand the mechanics of this phenomenon I could perhaps risk accepting the parts of me I was pretty desperate to change.  

The Mechanisms of Change

First I had to understand the mechanisms behind change.

Change that wasn’t just about developing a new behavior that was stronger than the one I wanted to change but real true change.  Change that reached the depths of whatever was driving that behavior.

The Path for Integration

The field of interpersonal neurobiology tells us that the characteristics of integration are Flexibility, Adaptability, Coherence, Energetic, and Stable. 

That seemed like a good place for me to start because yeah, the parts of myself I was pretty desperate to change aren’t flexible, adaptive, coherent, energetic or stable.

But here’s something interesting…desperation isn’t flexible, adaptive, coherent, energetic or stable either.  Desperation is the opposite of flexible, that’s for sure.  Desperation, for me, is quite rigid and actually pretty stagnant, not energetic.  

I pondered this- I was seeking integration for sure, but taking a path that wasn’t integrated at all.

I suspected that was something worth looking into.

The idea of integration intrigued me, though it did perplex me a little.  It felt slippery- I couldn’t quite hold on to the definition and wasn’t sure exactly what it meant.  But I was intrigued.

Characteristics of Integration

Interpersonal Neurobiology also tells us that an integrated mind leads to response flexibility, regulation, the ability to participate in attuned communication, empathy, insight.

Cool.  I wanted those things.  

The parts of me I was desperate to change weren’t those things.  

But then I learned something else that really actually changed my whole life.

Always Seeking Connection

We are all always seeking connection, and my mentor Bonnie Badenoch says the most nourishing connections we can imagine.  

That one gave me pause.

How could this make sense?  How could I bring together some of these behaviors I was desperate to change with the idea that my system was always seeking connection?

Because just take my word for it- these weren’t behaviors there were exactly inviting connection.

They weren’t behaviors that were inviting connection with others and definitely not with myself- given that I was desperate to banish them.  

Could both be true? Could there be a part of me that has behaviors that I want to change while another part of me that’s always seeking nourishing connections?

Not All of Me

I suddenly had to consider the possibility that the part of me I wanted to change was indeed- just a part.

It wasn’t all of me.

It wasn’t who I was at my core. 

Who I am at my core is the same as who everyone else is at their core.

Precious. Good. Full of infinite worth. Longing for connection.  Deserving of connection.  

Easier to Believe about Others

I’m telling this story a little bit backwards actually because for me, it was easier to believe these ideas first about everyone else.

I embraced this theory as a professional first.

I embraced this theory as a professional who loved to work with kids who’d experienced attachment trauma.

Who had very real, troubling, and even dangerous behaviors that certainly did not invite connection.

They were kids who seemed as though the last thing they ever would want is connection and they worked quite hard to make sure we all knew that.

I embraced this theory during a time period when the popular belief about kids with a history of attachment trauma was basically the opposite of “we are all longing for connection.”  

I felt like I had to.

I didn’t know how else to keep showing up to work to welcome these kids – and adults too – who had very intense push away behaviors if I didn’t believe that somewhere underneath all of it they were – like everyone else- seeking connection.

Accepting Isn’t Excusing

OK back to the idea that it’s only when we can accept something as it is that change becomes possible.  

There was a part of me that thought accepting meant excusing, allowing, or inviting.

If I accepted this part of me- if I accepted these parts of my clients- it meant I was giving up.

But how could it possibly mean that if I knew in my core that we are all always seeking connection.

What if I could really truly trust that truth?

What if I didn’t need to try to change anyone- including myself- because we are all always trying to move toward integration?

What if acceptance absolutely positively did not mean the behavior that was emerging from that part of self was OK?  

What if acceptance simply means that I am connecting to reality in this moment. 

Acceptance means getting very curious and compassionate about what is happening inside that person- or myself- that is more powerful than our inherent drive for connection.

Survival and Connection

It’s not that our inherent drive for connection- and therefore for behaviors that are inviting of connection- disappears.  It’s that something else becomes more powerful.

We are all driven for connection, yet, but we are all also driven for survival.  

Can you imagine anything more tragic than the felt sense that connection – to ourselves or to others- is so terrifying that protection based behaviors emerge instead?

OK OK OK I’m veering off track again from the premise here- that only when we accept something as it is is change possible.

I mean, I’m kinda veering off track.  I’m really showing you all the tracks I took to finally be willing to believe that.

Integration invites Integration.

If I want something in myself to change- or something in someone else to change- I have to find a way to be with that something with an integrated presence.

What the heck is an integrated presence!?

Well I won’t bore you will alllll the science but we can be certain than an integrated presence has characteristics like curiosity and compassion.  An integrated presence feels open, not constricted, and definitely not desperate.

I’m a therapist so I worked my tail off cultivating the ability to sit with folks – some of who had extremely challenging behaviors not just outside my office but inside my office- with curiosity and compassion.

Notice, I never said CALM.

This is True of All of Us. Including Ourselves.

Eventually I had to have a real heart to heart with myself as I wondered why I continued to consider myself the one outlying variable here.

Why wasn’t I worthy of this approach?

Could I connect with the parts of myself that I was desperate to change with curiosity and compassion??

Turns out, I can.

Connecting with Ourselves

Yup, it’s reallllllly hard work.  It’s so counterintuitive.  It almost feels even absurd at times.

But I can and I must and I do and it’s exactly what the hurting parts of me need.

It’s also exactly what the hurting parts of our kids need.

Behaviors of Hurt and Fear

We have to stay grounded in the truth that these behaviors that we realllllly want to change are indeed grounded in hurt and fear.

They must be.  If there was no hurt and fear, connection based behaviors would emerge.

No Step by Step Instructions

There is no formula I can give you, no step by step instructions on how to practice this place of acceptance while also still honoring your own truth which is that you realllllly want a certain behavior to change.

Maybe, in your quietest moments, you connect with the parts of you that want a behavior to change – in yourself or in others- and you experiment with curiosity.

Why would someone who is biologically driven for connection have a behavior that is pushing away connection?

I promise promise promise that we can find moments of acceptance that aren’t about giving up, or allowing bad behavior, or no longer hoping something changes.

Acceptance is About One Moment

Acceptance is about a moment.  In this moment, my child or me or my partner or my client, has something happening for them that is leading them to believe they need to prioritize behaviors of protection over behaviors of connection.  

Sometimes- certainly not ALL the times but sometimes- that may just inspire us to lean in and offer safety.  Or connection.  

A gesture that makes sense when our belief is “you’re hurting” instead of a belief of “I need your behavior to change.”  

You’re Doing the Very Best you Can.

Always.  Your desperation to get a behavior to change is emerging from your own fear.  Your fear deserves to be met with compassion.

Maybe that’s why you come here.  So I can give you heaps of compassion.

Until one day you’ll notice that you hear my compassionate voice in your head even when you aren’t listening to this podcast.

And then one day you’ll notice that the compassionate voice in your head is yours.

You know what’s super cool?  What I’m doing for you is what you are doing for your child.  They’ll eventually internalize your compassion and eventually they’ll have compassion for themselves.

I can’t think of anything more amazing.


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As I sat down to prep this final podcast episode of 2021- I really paused and reflected on the question- what do you need?

What Do You Need?

What do you need in December?  In a time of year that often involves increased dysregulation and chaos.  There are more responsibilities this time of year.  You might feel more pressure to have a family that looks or acts a certain way. 

There are definitely more opportunities to enforce our own boundaries. 

And almost certainly more opportunities to grieve that this isn’t life you imagined. 

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Both Places Are OK

Maybe you’re realizing for the first time that you can grieve that truth while also being OK. 

I remember the first time I consciously realized that I was sitting squarely in ‘wow everything is awful right now’ while at the same time still being so content and even grateful for the different layers of goodness in my life.

Maybe you cannot even imagine that being true.

Both places are OK.

You are Exactly Where you Need to Be.

Maybe this is the year you’ve come into connection with the truth that you are not alone. 

You may indeed be extremely lonely- parenting kids with big behaviors can be traumatically lonely- but you are not alone. 

Maybe this is the year you’ve come into connection to the truth that there is nothing wrong with you.  Or your child. 

Maybe this is the year you’ve come into connection with that the truth that there is nothing wrong with you and there are always things we could work on to do better. 

I know that’s true for me.

Nothing Wrong With You (or me!)

I really believe, finally, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with me. 

I also know that there are still many, many moments when I get dysregulated, when my hurting inner parts get touched, awakened, and overwhelmed.

When this happens, I sometimes behave in a way that hurts me or the people I love. 

There’s nothing wrong with me and I can keep fiercely working to care for my own inner world so that I don’t hurt the people I love.

That is my wish for you, too.

Cannot Change the Hard

There’s very little I can do to change what’s hard in your life.  You know that.  I know that.

What I can do, what I strive to do every day, is to show up in your life- whether that’s in your earbuds on this podcast- in your inbox, in The Club where we are getting to know each other so well, or maybe you’re even someone I know really really well.

Regardless of how we are connected, me and you- we are connected. 

Every day I strive to show up in your life and remind you of your infinite worth. 

I strive to remind you that you are worthy of compassion. 

I strive to remind you that you are a perfectly imperfect human doing their absolute very best.  And so are your kids. 

The Hard Can Feel Less Hard

Helping you see your own infinite worth and how you are deserving of self-compassion doesn’t change anything about what’s hard in your life.

But over time, it will help you ride the rollercoaster of hard a little more smoothly. 

So that’s what I do.  I try to show up and tenaciously prove up to you that you are good and worth of self-compassion.  That all behavior makes sense- yours and your child’s and really, everyone else’s. 

What I Needed

Obviously, as I sat down to ponder what do you need from this final episode of 2021, I ended up realizing I really have no idea what you need!

This reflection actually turned out to be more of what I needed.  Perhaps it ended up being what you needed, too. 

Ready for a Break!

The podcast will be back in January.  I’m not going to promise you when in January because I’m just not sure yet!  In the next few weeks, I’m focusing on my family, my incoming cohort of Being With, and all the parents in The Club.  I’m focusing on play and rest and the Nutcracker and spending days in my pjs and maybe even going downhill skiing if we get any good snow. 

Y’all I really seriously started this podcast on a whim.  I was going to do Facebook lives and I thought I’d throw the audios into a podcast feed and wha-la.  Podcast.

I did that.  For four or five episodes.

Then I realized I kinda hated those Facebook Lives but I loved podcasting. 

This makes sense because I love listening to podcasts and delight in feeling as though total strangers are my friends because I hear them so often in my ear buds. 

I delight in the idea that maybe you feel like we know each other.

It Feels so Good to be Known.

For a podcast on a whim, I’m pretty darn proud of what we’ve created here.  The guests I’ve been lucky to host, the new friends I’ve made, the laughter, and the emails I get from you. 

Thank you for bringing me on your journey and thank you for being a part of mine.  I’ll see you back here in 2022!!!


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Lori Desautels is an assistant professor in the College of Education at Butler University in Indianapolis.  Dr. Desautels is especially interested in applying the social and affective neurosciences, including polyvagal theory, into the education setting.  Dr. Desautels also spends two days a week in the classroom, currently with 7th graders, where she has the opportunity to be applying the concepts she is teaching to other educators.

Dr. Desautels remembers that even before she moved into academia or had the opportunity to be exposed to social neuroscience she had a lot of curiosity about what behavior really is.  She’s always been on a quest to find out what is driving behavior (sound familiar?!).

Now equipped with the science of behavior, including the autonomic nervous system, she is tenaciously working to bring this science to classroom educations.

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The Brainstem

The brainstem, Dr. Desautels described, speaks the language of sensation.  Children who in a state of arousal or not experiencing felt-safety, will respond to sensation or sensation-based language to help bring safety and soothing into their nervous system.

If we want children’s higher brains to work- where memory, language, and facts are all located- they have to have safe and soothed brainstems.

Children, and of course educators too, are stressed.  Their brainstems need safety and soothing first so that they can learn at school.

Fight/Flight/Collapse Behaviors

Disruptive behaviors- opposition, defiance, refusal to participate- are behaviors that fall somewhere on the fight/flight/collapse continuums.  These are behaviors that are emerging from a state of survival.

When we discipline survival based behaviors, that discipline backfires because we are adding to stress instead of decreasing stress.

Behavior Management is About Adult

Behavior management is not about children- it’s about the adults! It’s about being attuned to, soothing, and regulating our own nervous system.  If we want to change the behavior of children, we have to bring safety and soothing to the adult’s nervous system!

Rewiring our Perceptions of Discipline

The subtitle of Dr. Desautels’ book is Rewiring of Perceptions of Discipline.  In her book, Dr. Desautels provides the research that backs up the assertion that a dysregulated adult cannot help to regulate a dysregulated child.  For the majority of adults, this is a new look at what discipline really is.

Dr. Desautels shared that she has spent years practicing awareness of her own physiological cues- tone of voice, tightness in her muscles and other indicators of stress in her own nervous system.  As she grows in awareness by intentionally noticing, she is better able to regulate her own stress and then co-regulate her students.

It’s OK Not to Be OK

Dr. Desautels emphasizes that there isn’t a better or right state of the nervous system.  It’s OK not to be OK!  The important piece isn’t being in a certain state of the nervous system it’s about developing the capacity to notice the ebbs and flows in our own nervous system.

With increased awareness, we can increase our ability to be present with ourselves and offer ourselves self-compassion.  Presence and self-compassion begin to bring our own nervous system more into a state of safety.

How To Help Kids

Dr. Desautels reminded us that movement, rhythm, and sensory experiences can all offer experiences of safety to our nervous system.

Practices of focused attention- training our brain to be present in the here and now and notice what’s actually happening- have the potential to create significant change in our nervous system.  Dr. Desautels’ work with schools and educators is helping them bring these practices into their classrooms.

How to Help Teachers

I asked Dr. Desautels how she is bringing these ideas to educators who are stressed and overwhelmed.  How is she helping educators see the benefits of tending to the nervous system without them feeling like it’s one more thing to do.

Dr. Desautels stated that she teachers educators that she isn’t adding anything more to their plate.  Their nervous system- whether they are paying attention to it or not- is their plate.  She is teaching educators to be more connected to what already exists.

She is also teaching educators to look at discipline as something that is always happening, it’s happening naturally.  Discipline is noticing a student’s nervous system, and discipline is prompting three deep breaths.  She is teaching educators how to look at behaviors differently and that’s discipline.

Discipline versus Punishment

Discipline isn’t only responsive (occurring after a child’s negative behavior) and it’s definitely not punishment.  Discipline is developing proactive practices to help children become more connected to themselves, each other, and to the adults.

Dr. Desautels and I have similar experiences that when we teach the science of nervous system and the science of behavior it doesn’t feel like we are stressing out our already stressed nervous system by adding ‘one more thing’ to our plates.  Understanding the science of behavior feels relieving.  It brings attunement and resonance to our own nervous systems and decreases- not increases- our stress.

Find Dr. Desautles!

Dr. Desautels’ website: Revelations in Education

Her book: Connection over Compliance: Rewiring our Perceptions of Discipline can be ordered HERE on Amazon.  The audio book is coming soon!


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Who is Jim Sporleder?

You might have met Jim Sporleder in the groundbreaking documentary Paper Tigers.  Jim is the former principal of Lincoln High School in Walla Walla, Washington, where he led his team and ultimately his students on the journey of becoming a trauma-informed school.

The work Jim, his team, and his students did was so phenomenal that it inspired the documentary Paper Tigers.  If you haven’t seen Paper Tigers, I highly recommend it.  It is absolutely worth your time!

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A New Lens on Behavior

Jim was inspired to shift toward a trauma-informed lens because he knew his school and his students needed something different.  He attended a trauma and toxic stress conference in 2010 where he was exposed to a completely new paradigm on behavior.

“I always believed behavior was a choice,” Jim said. 

He left that conference in 2010 with a new – and radically different – understanding of behavior.  He said it felt like he was hit by a bolt of lightning; he knew immediately that his approach to discipline needed to change.

Immediate Change

When Jim got back to his school after the conference, he made the announcement that the school would be taking a new approach and he set out to get his staff trained in a trauma-informed approach.

Jim remembers the first student he approached in a new way- a student who had cussed out a teacher.  Instead of laying into the student with a lecture and assigning the automatic three-day suspension, Jim asked the student “Hey, what’s going on?”

What’s Going On?

This simple question invited the student into connection.  The student- without any prompting- ultimately took responsibility for his behavior and offered to apologize to the teacher.  The student left the interaction with Jim by saying, “Thanks for talking.  It really helped.”

If we seek the voice, validate the feelings, we give self-worth to the kids we are working with.” ~Jim Sporleder

This wasn’t a unique experience!  Jim found that this was the common way this new approach to discipline challenges went.  This immediate and dramatic shift really “lit a fire” in Jim and his staff.

Not Taking Behavior Personally

One of the most remarkable pieces of Jim’s story is how quickly he was able to shift his paradigm and step out of taking behaviors personally.

Jim stated that his staff worked together as a team to continually support and remind each other not to take behavior personally.  They held each other accountable for staying curious and able to provide each other, and their students, with co-regulation.

I Love You Guys

My favorite scene from Paper Tigers is when one of the teachers wrapped up a lesson by saying “I love you guys.”

In that moment, professionals who work with kids were given permission to do what’s in their heart- express to their students that they love them.

It isn’t weird or creepy or inappropriate.

It’s just true.  And needed.

I Never Met a Kid This Approach Didn’t Work With

Did this new approach always work immediately?


Did it always change the student’s life outside of school?

No.  Some kids still struggled with gang involvement or drug abuse.

But it never didn’t work.

If we are measuring our impact on changed behavior, we aren’t going to always see concrete indicators of change.

We are always hoping that kids can find safer ways to be in the world.

But simply because we don’t see clear behavior change doesn’t mean the approach isn’t working.

The Brain is Always Changing.

Maybe the student’s behavior will change in five years.  Maybe as a professional, we’ll be lucky enough to know about it.  Maybe we won’t.

But the brain can’t not change.

This approach can’t not work.

We’ll never be able to reach 100% of the kids.  But there’s no reason we can’t love 100% of the kids.” ~Jim Sporleder

It’s not a budget item.  We don’t need to worry about funding to love kids.

Who You Are, Not What You Do

I resonated so strongly with how Jim described how this trauma-responsive approach has change who he is as person, not just what he does in his job.

It’s changed every cell of who I am.” ~ Robyn Gobbel

The Trauma of Pandemic Schooling

We are in our third school-year of pandemic schooling.

Kids have gone through, and continue to go through, extreme stress.

Teachers has gone through, and continue to go through, extreme stress.

If ever we need a new approach, it’s now.” ~ Jim Sporleder

Unfortunately, it’s hard to shift to a new approach when we are under the extreme stress our educators are experiencing.

Curiosity emerges from a nervous system that is regulated and safe, and curiosity is needed to be open to considering and then trying a new approach.

Our educators need exactly what our kids need.

They need to be safe, seen, soothed, and secure (Dr. Daniel Siegel).

Some of our educators are in literal danger at school.  They’ve been assaulted by parents.  They are facing COVID exposure.  They can’t take a day off because there aren’t any substitutes.

Dear Educators Everywhere-

Thank you for still doing your job.  Thank you for not quitting. For continuing to show up every day and trying to bring safety to our students.

We must see our educator’s humanity, first.  This will relieve our stress and their’s.

Connect with Jim

Watch Paper Tigers on iTunes by CLICKING HERE.

Watch Paper Tigers on Amazon by CLICKING HERE.

Watch Paper Tigers on You Tube by CLICKING HERE.

Find Jim’s consulting services by CLICKING HERE.

Jim is the co-author (with Heather Forbes) of The Trauma Informed School.  You can find that by CLICKING HERE.
