What’s the connected response to {insert difficult behavior here}??

How do I respond to {insert difficult behavior here} in a connected way???

I get some version of this question almost every day. So, let’s answer it here on the podcast!

In this episode, you’ll learn

  • What most parents are really asking when they ask ‘hat’s the connected response’?
  • What a connected response really is
  • How to trust your own intuition to answer that question

Resources Mentioned on the Podcast

Listen on the Podcast

This blog is a short summary of a longer episode on The Baffling Behavior Show podcast.

Find The Baffling Behavior Show podcast on Apple Podcast, Google, Spotify, or in your favorite podcast app.

Or, you can read the entire transcript of the episode by scrolling down and clicking ‘transcript.’


Author of National Best Selling Book (including audiobook) Raising Kids with Big, Baffling Behaviors: Brain-Body-Sensory Strategies that Really Work

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify

It’s normal and common for stress and dysregulation to cause kids to act younger than they really are. This happens to grown-ups too! Simply because it’s normal and common doesn’t mean it’s not very frustrating!

In this episode, you’ll learn

  • A neurosequential explanation for regression
  • How to use regression as a cue or a clue about the state your child’s nervous system
  • Ways to respond to regressed behavior that may increase regulation, connection, and felt safety

Resources Mentioned on the Podcast

Listen on the Podcast

This blog is a short summary of a longer episode on The Baffling Behavior Show podcast.

Find The Baffling Behavior Show podcast on Apple Podcast, Google, Spotify, or in your favorite podcast app.

Or, you can read the entire transcript of the episode by scrolling down and clicking ‘transcript.’


Author of National Best Selling Book (including audiobook) Raising Kids with Big, Baffling Behaviors: Brain-Body-Sensory Strategies that Really Work


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I’m sure you often feel like ‘getting your kid regulated’ is a very important goal!

But- is it? Is regulated the goal? And is it possible to even consider these kinds of questions when we are parenting very dysregulated kids with very dangerous behaviors?

In this episode, you’ll learn

  • The difference between a moment of being regulated and having a regulated (balanced) nervous system
  • How regulation and dysregulation must coexist
  • Why thinking about any of this high-level stuff when you have REAL PROBLEMS TO REALLY ADDRESS can be helpful

Resources Mentioned on the Podcast

Listen on the Podcast

This blog is a short summary of a longer episode on The Baffling Behavior Show podcast.

Find The Baffling Behavior Show podcast on Apple Podcast, Google, Spotify, or in your favorite podcast app.

Or, you can read the entire transcript of the episode by scrolling down and clicking ‘transcript.’


Author of National Best Selling Book (including audiobook) Raising Kids with Big, Baffling Behaviors: Brain-Body-Sensory Strategies that Really Work

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify

Believe it or not, we don’t want to get rid of our kids’ watchdog and possum brains!

We want to help their watchdog and possum brain rest so they aren’t working so hard.

Their watchdog and possum brains are overworked and overactive.

In this episode, you’ll learn

  • Why we must remember that everyone has a watchdog and possum brain
  • How gratitude and acceptance of the watchdog and possum brain strengthens the owl brain
  • We don’t want to get rid of our children’s Wa1tchdog and Possum brains- we want to help them rest

Resources Mentioned on the Podcast

Listen on the Podcast

This blog is a short summary of a longer episode on The Baffling Behavior Show podcast.

Find The Baffling Behavior Show podcast on Apple Podcast, Google, Spotify, or in your favorite podcast app.

Or, you can read the entire transcript of the episode by scrolling down and clicking ‘transcript.’


Author of National Best Selling Book (including audiobook) Raising Kids with Big, Baffling Behaviors: Brain-Body-Sensory Strategies that Really Work

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify

When I work with parents whose child spends a lot of time on the possum pathway, I warn them that sometimes possum kids become watchdog kids before the finally have a nice, strong owl brain.

Because watchdog behaviors are often more intense and scarier than possum behaviors, this can feel like your child is ‘getting worse.’

It’s actually a sign of healing, and here’s why!

In this episode, you’ll learn

  • Why kids who have a lot of possum behavior can sometimes become kids who have a lot of watchdog behavior
  • Why this phenomenon usually means there is progress and healing happening
  • Why do sometimes kids move from Possum behaviors to Owl behaviors without having Watchdog behaviors

Listen on the Podcast

This blog is a short summary of a longer episode on The Baffling Behavior Show podcast.

Find The Baffling Behavior Show podcast on Apple Podcast, Google, Spotify, or in your favorite podcast app.

Or, you can read the entire transcript of the episode by scrolling down and clicking ‘transcript.’


Author of National Best Selling Book (including audiobook) Raising Kids with Big, Baffling Behaviors: Brain-Body-Sensory Strategies that Really Work

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify

Is it possible to feel better even if your child’s behavior doesn’t change?

Even if the stress doesn’t change?

Theoretically, yes.

Your chronic watchdog or possum state means you are in chronic protection mode. Is it possible to shift out of protection mode before the chaos in your life changes?

That’s exactly what we address in today’s episode!

In this episode, you’ll learn

  • The two different paths you can take to feel better (come out of protection mode) even if the chaos in your life never changes
  • The neuroscience behind how connection and co-regulation (for you!) becomes twice as important for your ability to stay more regulated even when things are really hard
  • Resources to help you feel better (shift out of protection) that you can do by yourself, as well as resources that are based in connection and co-regulation

Resources Mentioned on the Podcast

Listen on the Podcast

This blog is a short summary of a longer episode on The Baffling Behavior Show podcast.

Find The Baffling Behavior Show podcast on Apple Podcast, Google, Spotify, or in your favorite podcast app.

Or, you can read the entire transcript of the episode by scrolling down and clicking ‘transcript.’


Author of National Best Selling Book (including audiobook) Raising Kids with Big, Baffling Behaviors: Brain-Body-Sensory Strategies that Really Work

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify

Settle in for a fun and inspiring chat with hosts from Therapist Uncensored and authors of the new release Secure Relating, Sue Marriott & Ann Kelley.

In this episode, you’ll learn

  • How responding to our children’s (and partner’s) needs in the present moment, instead of from a place of anxious or avoidant states, can improve our relationships
  • About the intersection of attachment and trauma in our systems of care- like the child welfare and mental health systems
  • How much hope there is when we shift to looking at attachment in the here and now instead of based on our histories

Resources Mentioned on the Podcast

  • Resources mentioned in the podcast go here

Listen on the Podcast

This blog is a short summary of a longer episode on The Baffling Behavior Show podcast.

Find The Baffling Behavior Show podcast on Apple Podcast, Google, Spotify, or in your favorite podcast app.

Or, you can read the entire transcript of the episode by scrolling down and clicking ‘transcript.’


Author of National Best Selling Book (including audiobook) Raising Kids with Big, Baffling Behaviors: Brain-Body-Sensory Strategies that Really Work

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify Listen on Google Podcasts

Settle in for a fun and inspiring chat with hosts from Therapist Uncensored and authors of the new release Secure Relating, Sue Marriott & Ann Kelley.

In this episode, you’ll learn

  • How responding to our children’s (and partner’s) needs in the present moment, instead of from a place of anxious or avoidant states, can improve our relationships
  • About the intersection of attachment and trauma in our systems of care- like the child welfare and mental health systems
  • How much hope there is when we shift to looking at attachment in the here and now instead of based on our histories

Resources Mentioned on the Podcast

  • Resources mentioned in the podcast go here

Listen on the Podcast

This blog is a short summary of a longer episode on The Baffling Behavior Show podcast.

Find The Baffling Behavior Show podcast on Apple Podcast, Google, Spotify, or in your favorite podcast app.

Or, you can read the entire transcript of the episode by scrolling down and clicking ‘transcript.’


Author of National Best Selling Book (including audiobook) Raising Kids with Big, Baffling Behaviors: Brain-Body-Sensory Strategies that Really Work

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify

I’m sure you’ve had moments (days, weeks, months) where it felt hard, maybe even impossible, to keep offering connection to your child.

It is hard to offer connection to someone who seems to constantly reject it!

If it feels hard to keep offering your child connection, I actually want you to shift your focus. Don’t prioritize offering connection to your child. Instead think about:

  • Who can offer YOU connection?
  • How can you offer connection to yourself?
  • Who could you offer connection to who is able to receive it, and offer connection back?

You’ll also learn how glitter boots are related to giving and receiving connection! Resources Mentioned on the Podcast

  • Resources mentioned in the podcast go here

Listen on the Podcast

This blog is a short summary of a longer episode on The Baffling Behavior Show podcast.

Find The Baffling Behavior Show podcast on Apple Podcast, Google, Spotify, or in your favorite podcast app.

Or, you can read the entire transcript of the episode by scrolling down and clicking ‘transcript.’


Author of National Best Selling Book (including audiobook) Raising Kids with Big, Baffling Behaviors: Brain-Body-Sensory Strategies that Really Work

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify

If regulated, connected kids who feel safe do well, does that mean connected kids are always cooperative?

Definitely not! In fact, there’s a level of connection to others- and to themselves! – that invites in the safety to be UNcooperative!

In this episode, you’ll learn

  • How safety can invite both cooperative and UNcooperative behavior
  • Why too much cooperative would actually be a bad thing
  • How parenting with co-regulation and connection helps kids become more connected to themselves

Resources Mentioned on the Podcast

  • Resources mentioned in the podcast go here

Listen on the Podcast

This blog is a short summary of a longer episode on The Baffling Behavior Show podcast.

Find The Baffling Behavior Show podcast on Apple Podcast, Google, Spotify, or in your favorite podcast app.

Or, you can read the entire transcript of the episode by scrolling down and clicking ‘transcript.’


Author of National Best Selling Book (including audiobook) Raising Kids with Big, Baffling Behaviors: Brain-Body-Sensory Strategies that Really Work

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify

The question of ‘can I heal’ or ‘can my child heal’ or ‘how do I (or my child) heal’ is a tricky one. 

Healing is a word that gets used a lot without really pausing to ask ourselves what it actually means. 

If we are aiming for a nebulous goal that hasn’t been defined, it will feel impossible to reach. Impossible tasks often feel hopeless.

In this episode, you’ll learn

  • Why it’s most useful to stay focused on widening our window of stress tolerance
  • How co-regulation contributes to healing
  • How memory relates to trauma symptoms and healing

Resources Mentioned on the Podcast

  • Resources mentioned in the podcast go here

Listen on the Podcast

This blog is a short summary of a longer episode on The Baffling Behavior Show podcast.

Find The Baffling Behavior Show podcast on Apple Podcast, Google, Spotify, or in your favorite podcast app.

Or, you can read the entire transcript of the episode by scrolling down and clicking ‘transcript.’


Author of National Best Selling Book (including audiobook) Raising Kids with Big, Baffling Behaviors: Brain-Body-Sensory Strategies that Really Work